
I actually find a few cartoons these days pretty good for the most part. The shows you mention are God Tier, but there are a Top/Mid Tier animated shows that I actually enjoy.

B's for me mean that episodes are merely functional. The show wasn't actively bad, just boring for the most part, with a few highs and a lot of lows.

Hmm. You're probably right, but I guess I'm thinking of it in very broad terms, from the writing room down. I mean, it's awkward to think of a creative endeavor in purely technical terms, but if we think of a fight in terms of technical "logistics" then I still think it (kind of) applies. Like, is the fight

Rushed to post after a late start! Will fix ASAP!

A sound guy who's a friend of mine mentioned that those grunts/groans/etc. are known as "efforts" and, yeah, they basically just record a shit load of them from people just to have a library at the ready. In 2-3 minutes you could knock out about 70 of 'em.

I do hope the gravity well makes a return in some fashion, it's a huge badass device and could legit be a game changer in the Star Wars canon.

My mistake! Fixed. It is definitely "Yondu".

I envy you. I wanted to SO BAD overlook those weak points too, because Mystery Inc's strengths are amazing. (References aside, there are episodes that are legit terrifying, like the one with the alligator monsters). But those weak points just… negged me in a way that soured me pretty hard on the show. Admittedly

To be clear, B- is the grade specifically for Grand Scam, I think Mystery 101 and All Paws on Deck were stronger (read: funnier), practically B+ territory.

Okay, so I'm one of the very, very few who was always okay with Scrappy-Doo. I liked that, at the very least, he was willing to THROWDOWN - like, he was willing to fight whatever jackass in a lame ghost costume. I always was more upset that no one would ever let him.

I realized that I hadn't been to CB in over a month. I visited it about two days ago and immediately remembered why.

I love everything about Gumball, so I can't *really* argue your point. I think this episode had some top notch faces, but Gumball has better expressions overall.

It was cut but I had mentioned that the first five episodes were pretty rough - you can tell they were finding their footing. But they really get a handle on things around 7-8, and REALLY get going by episode 15.

James Frain could be an amazing Doctor.

Wow, a Star Vs. thread!

I'll admit it was a bit harsh but I wouldn't say it was "unfair". I suppose I just didn't get the since of closure that other fans received. It didn't feel end-y? Even with the focus on the core cast, I never got the sense that they got closure. Heck, I don't think they even needed closure, per se, nor an epic ending.

I think I was a bit harsher because I had watched a few past episodes before it and really got a clear since of what it it *could* do that I was somewhat let down. I mean, I enjoyed it, would watch again, etc. But P&F has played on its formulaic nature in the past before, and I guess I was expecting something a bit


Clyde visits his owner's murderer. He says, "Hey, I have a bone to pick with you."

This show, strangely enough, reminds me a lot of Malcolm in the Middle with a dash of Scrubs. Something about the pacing, the framing, and the rhythms of the dialogue match that show.