The One on the Left

Not sure but I think the idea is you leave touch id on for its convenience and if you have a run in with cops you quickly hit the power button 5 times and cops can't compell you to unlock your phone?

Way to go Einstein

Maybe I'm crazy but it's like the White House wants to keep the DOJ busy, and it's attention away from the White House

You know how some shirts say "staff" across the back? I always wanted one that said "staph"

You can say that again

"Lucas showed me a thing called a wookie, and he took me to lunch at a place that served only salad. It made me sick."

Big fan of Bullmoose. Also you can order stuff and it usually comes in a few days. Since I live near one, I try to always shop there, and use Amazon as a last resort.

Why do we need a remake of (blank)? Just go watch (blank)…

I'm going to come across as a huge nerd here but…
There's some confusion as to why lightsabers are the preferred weapons of jedi and not others. Any asshole can pick one up, wave it around and slice up their enemies. However jedi also use a lightsaber as a DEFENSIVE weapon, to deflect laser blasts and other ranged

My local video store was Videoport in Portland ME.
The reason I mention it is Dennis Perkins used to work there and I'd see him frequently.
Sadly they closed in August.

Melvin/Mario VanPeebles - Sweet Sweetback's Baaadasssss Song

Sorry wrong place

I think they're like Jews for Jesus.

Did this show feature Eric Estrada accidentally punching Bill Mahr in the face, or is my brain just inventing memories at this point?

Thanks, it's cool though, it was a few years ago.

Banana oil

No kidding,

I've seen "Southland Tales" 3 or 4 times and am still unable to form an opinion of it. Which in and of itself I find baffling.