
You're right! Let's sacrifice Claire and get Danny back!

I should've waited and found out here in the morning…
… like when I forgot to watch the results show last week. But no, I'm a dipshit and realized I'd again forgotten, so I flipped between AI and Survivor, was glad it was Joel and not Chet - then I realized yes, I had seen Danny, but he was sitting in the

And I'm tellin' you….
(as I have been) Danny Noriega ain't leavin'. He is my secret lover… that's what we are. I heart him, and it is only to he and Carly Smithson I give my heartfelt votes.

Speaking of Chris showing….
… so did Sweet Pea. Really, they're just competing for who gets their line show on television, and who's up for the prize.

You want genuine? Then DROP Archuleta!
I feel that Brooke White FAR outshone David Archuleta's performance. In today's market, you are expected to emanate at least a wee bit of the stars before you, which is why they want girls who can sing like Aretha Franklin. I think the fact that White so easily became Carly Simon

Also, I wanted to ask if anyone else found it… interesting that the gymnasts had t-shirts with UPSIDE-DOWN, RAINBOW triangles on them… I thought it was just pointing something out we already knew.

AHH!!! HAHA!!!
Awww, Gary Busy was like your drunk uncle or that guy you slept with and didn't tell your friends about, and then he finds you and you're like "ahh! get away, shoo, shoo!" It was so adorable.
How can Garner NOT know who Busey is? "This man," how 'bout "former typecast television lady"?!
Busey was kind of


I'd intended it to say "when" and "B)." That's all.

I love me some Danny Noriega!!!
But let's get to some other things.
A) Why didn't David Cook's crosswords have anything filled-in when they did the close-ups on them? Does he pretend he can read/spell?
B) Why Mr. Archuleta said (Or Seacrest said) he'd be doing a Lennon song, I immediately knew it's be "Imagine," so I

Bend OVER!!!
You know what that front horn would be perfect for….. I'm tellin' you, that dino won't be the only thing roaring.

Bend OVER!!!
You know what that front horn would be perfect for….. I'm tellin' you, that dino won't be the only thing roaring.

Wait -
Who the hell signed that check?

I guess Simone…
…was really forgettable, since they either forgot to ask her her prediction, or they forgot to show it….

Why'd he call 'em trousers?

I was in heaven watching all the hating aimed at Ryan Seacrest - oh, it's so warm….

I almost threw-up when the judges were fawning over that ex-boy bander, you know, the one who "can sing anything, but not pop, but anything…" I guess Joni Mitchell was right about music if the "pros" think he was a) good, and b) representative of current music.

Danny Noriega….
… not "That Dude in the Picture." I love him. I think he turned Simon on, yelling at him like that. And, speaking of Simon, did anyone else notice the twinkle in Simon's eye when Ryan was so SHAMELESSLY flirting with him? It was almost as cute as when Michael Johns broke Simon's heart after his song…

Do they use mole…
on fish??? I thought it was just cock, err, chicken.

I think I'll need…
… the 32-oz size of that there Love Potion. I sometimes get thirsty on the drive over from my trailer park to my lover's.