blackmoon eleven

Reached for comment on this story, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer reportedly said, "Ach, das Loopenvideo ist ein… Nuisance-video!"

That video-loopin' trick of yours has boomeranged on us!

Maybe it's the juxtaposition with the black-and-white stills, but that poster art in the header is pretty great. It looks like the best kind of cheesy cover art that would draw the eye to a used paperback book club.

If Bob Kane had worked as hard on refining his art as he did on promoting and perpetuating his own myth of Bob Kane, Visionary Creator of Batman, he might have been a legitimate talent. But alas, he was too busy robbing Bill Finger of credit and stabbing Siegel & Shuster in the back to be bothered.

I've read Caped Crusade and Weldon's unauthorized biography of Superman and enjoyed them both. It sounds like we're around the same age—I was 4 or 5 when Batman '89 came out—and my (admittedly fuzzy) memories line up with yours as far as mainstream response at the time goes.

"All right… Which one of ya'll kicked me?"

I'm pretty fond of II, but almost entirely because the end credit outtakes are the one area it surpasses the first one. Absolutely boneheaded as it was, Chris Tucker failing to turn his phone off while shooting and then giving the phone to Jackie when it rings is hilarious. "No you can not talk to Jackie Chan! … they

Newton was the villain in Hickman's SHIELD series from a couple years back, though I have no idea whether 1) this ties in to that at all or 2) if Hickman ever even finished that run. I remember it just…. stopping, at some point, without resolution.

Even if he does, when you're someone like Herc—long only the second-most prominent mythological hero of the Avengers—it's understandable to have something of a chip on your shoulder when it comes to divine preeminence.

Did Idris Elba briefly play a concertina in the movie you saw?

I remember, 30 seconds into watching Prometheus, thinking, "Wow, this is a great tracking shot of a waterfall."

Should be—I saw some at my (PA) beer distributor yesterday afternoon and almost picked it up on a whim, but went with Dogfish Head's Namaste witbier instead. Being easily suggestible, I might swing back to pick that up later.

I encourage you to keep going through those Marvel Cosmic crossovers, albeit with a couple caveats: I haven't read the crossovers since they came out, and even then I only picked and chose select books of the tie-ins, so I can't vouch for how well the whole shebang holds up these days.

Nada, at least as far as new releases are concerned—two weeks' worth of books on my LCS pull list and I haven't read a single one. But I did pick up the Henchgirl trade on Wednesday and it's going to join Enough Space for Everyone Else at the top of my TBR pile.

Quick, find somebody who's willing to be on a watchlist to find out what those airbender kids are up to.

I feel like Gargoyles always gets undeservedly overlooked, left in the shadow of B:TAS, because while it never reached quite the same heights as that show (or much of the DCAU, honestly), it was a strong contender for second best animated adventure of the 90s.

Just finished Volumes 1 & 2 of Sam Bosma's Fantasy Sports—great art, fun but quick reads (so thank you, my local library). While doublechecking his name to give credit here, I wasn't surprised to see that Bosma has done background art for Steven Universe, because these books, with their mashup of fantasy tropes and

All that junk will just stop up the Fawcett.

I love Crossroads Devil folklore, and as fun as the idea of a polka-playing Mephistopheles is—not least of which for allowing for the possibility of a world where Robert Johnson is renowned as the King of the Delta Accordionists—I will never accept that my adoration of Gus Polinski is misplaced.

One day he will return in the hour of our greatest need, but until then I like to think he's still out there, traveling the roads with the rest of the Kenosha Kickers, righting wrongs and helping the helpless.