blackmoon eleven

The Thrilling Adventure Hour came with its own easy tagline—"A new-time podcast in the style of old-time radio!"—but that leaves out that each episode was a smaller segment of a live stage show performed and recorded in front of an audience, and also doesn't quite cover what the various segments were about: serialized

-The last stand of Skurge the Executioner Default response; disqualified.
-The first stand of Ben Grimm the Shield Gave this answer too recently.
-That time Steranko [claims to have] slapped Bob Kane Too obvious.

Yeah, I was doubly happy when I first saw these tweets, both because of the message itself and that it seemed like Stan was doing reasonably OK so soon after losing Joan.

The picture of Jack and Stan in the endpapers of that book, laughing together at some event in the mid '60s, rips my heart out every time.

Pro-tip: just transfer any lingering hate you might still have for Stan on to Bob Kane. It's done wonders for me.

Glad to hear it, and best of luck out in the world!

I… I don't understand…

I think at this point it's mostly to pad out the binders they hand out to execs at Marvel Studios when explaining why they need to hire Ving Rhames and Michelle Yeoh for 30 second cameos in GotG Vol. 2.

Mark my words, the Penance Council will hear of this chicanery.

Why, this comic book has nothing to do with John Watkins III at all!

Look, if that cancer patient won't hustle while rounding third, you're goddamn right we're gonna boo.

Oh, this is an easy one. Wicket, Cindel Towani (the little blonde girl), Noa Briqualon (Space Wilford Brimley), and everybody else weren't speaking Basic (Space English), they were speaking some other language, one known in common by the Towanis (who taught Wicket), Noa, Terak and his Marauders (the bad guys), and the

C'mon, what could possibly be Lovecraftian about a multi-faced, betentacled, pitilessly inscrutable precursor race?

Don't jerk me around, Norm! It's a simple question—a baby could answer it!

Well, as you know, 1997 was quite a year. A lot of things happened: some good, some bad. Mother Teresa died—that wasn't good… Unless you hated Mother Teresa! I myself was not a fan of hers—don't ask why. We were just like oil and water; we didn't mix.

Look, if this ends up being terrible, I'm going to cope by willfully believing that anybody wearing a mustache in this thing is actually Hector Ramirez and that at any moment the story could shift to one of potentially four more interestingly toyetic properties.

But enough about Cobra-La, tell me more about these Inhumanoids!

It's wrapping up with Issue 12 (of Second Semester), which I think comes out this month.

Alas, no. The best way to tell if I'm working at DC (in any kind of position of power, at least) would be if Gotham Academy gets un-cancelled and there's also a new book launched about Cass Cain & Wacky Uncle Clayface bonding and rediscovering their humanity through the power of Shakespeare while on theater adventures

Since the Last Stand of Skurge the Executioner is pretty much my go-to answer for everything, I figure I should come up with something else—for variety's sake, if nothing else.