The Prisoner


To me the cliffhanger isn't "who got the bat?" It's the fact that the next episode will be a world we never dreamed of, which developed in parallel, in the shadows, to Rick & Co's optimism - the "New World Order" is a game changer for the show. I don't see how Rick & Co can come out of this without being compromised

Well, it does take a bit of time to build a "new world order," so one can assume Negan built the strength of his organization of terror in parallel to Rick's waffling back and forth from farming to murdering. Negan, like him or not, surely had a clear goal from day one. And who's to say the Saviors didn't help sow

I was thinking the Hunger Games, or The Warriors, but I get your point.

Running time was 65 minutes, not 90. Sorry you had to sit through the commercials - but maybe that's when you were writing your scathing review. I watched on Amazon the next day, and it was a tense, drawn out hour-plus of suspense and dread (uninterrupted by detergent or car commercials) that went up to the very

The Denise death was a total surprise - in spite of her monologuing - and the arrow (from Darryl's crossbow!) was a total shock - as was her continuing her thought as her brain shut down. Made worse, of course, by the fact that the Savior wasn't aiming for her - probably Darryl. The strength of the scene was the

Tobin can't not be a non-entity, because Carol can only get so close to someone - not a person who opens up; so I don't see why this is a problem. Also, as to how easily characters can be sneaked up upon, by their enemies and the walkers - well, my son has a theory that has been gaining support with the fans. All


Because they made the "deal" with the people of The Hill - basically a bully stealing lunch money - to show up regularly and take 1/2 of all of their possessions. Kind of like Hopper in "A Bug's Life." They are smug bullies who prey upon the weak - or in this case, those humans who would rather rebuild the

Not buying it. The "Saviors" are evil bastards through and through.

The show isn't about zombies (or walkers). Since the pilot it's been about how humans act in times of crisis. The walkers are the "mcguffin." Rick & Co, violent as they are, try to maintain a code of ethics similar to the pre-crisis civilization; it doesn't always work. Without common laws or a codified system of

Hmmm. Never sure reviewer and I are watching the same show. This was great tension, and using someone like Alicia Witt, who, usually stunning and somewhat famous (at least recognizable), allowed herself to look like hell, primed the pump for us to believe she'd be a longer running character. So honestly, the end

I am going out tonight with Frank Castle and shooting all VHS and DVD copies of Sons of Anarchy.

There was an article going around the internets last year talking about that very thing. The film/tv "gun butt to the head trope" and its serious consequences. http://www.cracked.com/arti…

Was thine reviewer in his sups?

Just take our fucking word. He said it.

Night Nurse rocks!

"but it’s an overly familiar conversation I’ve seen in dozens of superhero properties before." Really? DOZENS? You are hard to please. Prepare for more of the same this week, since the overly-hyped-can't-live-up-to-it "Batman v Superman" will be out this week (just warning you). Then, "but I just don’t find this

Which are AWESOME!

Was DVD. If it had been a little girl in trouble, dont' you think he'd have saved her?