The Prisoner

FRANK (Putting down bloody bat): And THAT'S what you get for selling child pornography!
PAWN SHOP OWNER (audible death rattle)
FRANK (picking up DVD, obviously 30 year-olds in schoolgirl outfits on the cover). Uh….sorry man. But everyone knows, keep your mouth shut after you've already closed the deal.
Exit Frank,

Geez. Sorry you're bored, but B-? By this time we should all be prepared to expect a really good fight the
last 10 minutes of each episode, so don't worry, it'll be there! I think we should give the producers a little credit for making some breathing room to grow Foggy and Karen as characters — let us see why Matt

I agree. Though I like Ritter, and don't blame her performance. For a show they knew we'd binge, they just spent too much time saddling her character with the same woe-is-me speechifying. A little bit went a long way, and it really weighed her down. Kilgrave was great, yes, but the whole season of JJ was pretty

Doesn't the helmet/mask seem a little off? Like the eyes should be just a bit higher?

Good point, but also remember that Bullseye can slit your throat by flipping a playing card from about two feet away.

Feels like a precursor to Civil War. A tease. Like, the word on the street is this stuff is out of control. Kind of a nice setup for the movies to come, without being an obnoxious tie in.

They aren't now? What about Trump?

Spoiler, ep 1: I was SO glad that the scene at the table didn't turn out to be the TV version of "The Untouchables"! It almost went there, and would have if the gunfire hadn't broken out. Not only that, but the main badass was even going to off someone other than the guy the editing of the scene indicated would get

I like the "Batman" "Dark Knight"-ness of Punisher as well. Though, unlike Batman, you believe that he CAN be shot. He CAN be killed. Yeah, he's tough, but how exhausted did we all get from 3 Nolan movies of Batman running around, basically, Chicago, and NO ONE can figure out how to take him out? Not one sharp

Totally agree. I can also see why various groups also "read into" the film. Even the director and the star said they were happy that the feminist part of the story was recognized by so many.

DD's mask/helmet - it really seems like the eyes are in the wrong place, and more of his nose should be covered (of course in the comic you see his whole nose). But I'm happy to see Karen Page not relegated to femme fatale - you know, can only get coffee or get kidnapped. This Karen works hard, researches, stands up

SOME SPOILERS: I can honestly say I've never seen anything like this film. There are a few more readings than the either/or the reviewer presents here, and that's why this very small movie possesses the potential to be talked about for years. Huge talent and smart thinking place true horrors (whether real, or

It was totally good dumb fun. To look for something profound in this movie is like looking for five feet on a cat. Sure, it reaches for Blazing Saddles homage and misses a lot, but it was still good. Also, an equal opportunity offender - everyone looked a little good and a little bad in it (if you're keeping score

Hmm. Not loving it. Richie's "transformation" at "surviving" the building's fall might have played better if a little of the being-in-shock had crept in, rather than just all the steamrolling. A long night of sleeping off the coke and murder and whatever else bender could have had a really great payoff in a

He said in a Rolling Stone interview that he doesn't like to overwork the songs - a couple times and then put it away for a bit if they're not done. This album is completely filled with old hooks, and not the good ones — mostly the sound from the 90's. The whole thing sounds like an overly long demo tape. I really

Might be interesting to focus on the cultural politics too. Here we were 28 years after the end of WWII and the tension in the boardroom between the Germans at Polygram and the Americans could have been cut through with a goose step. "Pearl Harbor," the German head of the label laments, ignoring the elephant in the

Not one mention of Dice Clay's amazing performance? I did enjoy the Me Generation ending, where, after the building fell, no one raced to help one another, but instead climbed from the rubble and ambled back to their own fantasies.

Don't forget Coach! I say the same thing about this show. One of the best ensembles ever on TV.

So…..it's a trailer for a movie we've all already seen? Why bother with the exposition? This trend in trailers - trend hell, it's been going on for 20+ years - may assuage the fears of the studios that the viewer may not get what the movie is about, but at the expense of sucking any life or surprise out of the

Going to be difficult to ever top the one-word-says-it-all — "What?!"