The Prisoner

Seriously? Dylan McDermott stumbles and bumps through yet another role, "acting," and the controversy is Baldwin?

The ultra-V was always implied in the comics, especially in the later Samurai Miller books. I commented above that yes, it could have still been an awesome movie without the R accoutrements, because - character - but bringing this dark side, especially in a farewell to the character, felt right.

I took it to be that, because of his healing factor in his "youth" (he's over 150 years old), the toxic effects of the adamantium were staved off. Think about a body rejecting the adamantium "organ;" he would've been dead long ago. To me, not a flaw at all, but a telling point of Logan's deep character that makes

The last shot with the cross was a shining example of how mere genre can be transcended with a simple image that speaks volumes. The entire movie un-self consciously sets itself apart from the other stories, via tone, and yet still remains consistent in character. All of the critics who attributed its success to the

I just wish they'd had a sweeter meet-cute

Plus, they were always delivering Fake News!

I'm worried about the electoral college results from the dragon-flyover kindgoms.

Not Valyrian, but needle was a gift to her from Jon Snow, yes?

Aside from his horrible dickishness, Joffrey was the ONLY Lannister who surmised that Dany's dragons could indeed be quite big (to Tywin, season 3)

Exactly. Davos has shown such great character development, all beginning when sweet Shireen taught him to read. Details like this make the show many times more enjoyable/rewarding. (Also, how about that great line about switching sides? I think Davos has a thing for Missandei, yes?)

Cersei will just say "we're doing God's work"

The Tyrells, I believe, were 100% clear of debt. So this "found money" works to the advantage of the bank and the Lannisters, in that they can now control this extra "found" money supply.

Dany considers that region a "flyover" state - literally.

A few dogs with them would make a very nice velvet painting for my billiards room.

GOT Economics - you have Gendry in a boat on a river, but the assumption is he has a paddle, and the boat has no holes in it.

Sansa would have to be dead for this to work.

We live in a time where people prefer not to grasp complexity, or to choose extremes of black vs white. (Maybe we always have?) Yes, he's a horrible person, if only for permitting the lie that two kings on the throne weren't rightful heirs, because - incest. But he's interesting, if conflicted. Besides, isn't he

She had to burn the food. They wouldn't have successfully caravanned it home, or guarded it (for, say, Sansa to retrieve), and it would have slowed down their conquest. The messages of shock, awe, and deprivation will do more to throw off King's Landing than hoarding food.

I suppose that makes sense. Also, the Lannister army had a lot of collecting of gold and food to keep them from moving right away.