The Prisoner

Ha. I've stopped feeling guilty of my impure thoughts about Cece. But I waited too long, many more in line in front of me.

Agree. I was tired of Cece pining for Schmidt. It reduced her potential in all her scenes. But the proposal was still a surprise. And the $5 flashback killed me. Such damn smart writing and acting.

I'm sure he once managed to blubber it through is sex crying.

You'll always have 88 episodes from the last 4 years to go back to.

Pure awesomeness. Would love to know how many takes it…took.

Ha. And I know it's TV, but she really should have lenses in those glasses.

Same here. I didn't expect such a mix of laughing/grinning as well.

Sappy is what is responsible for all those babies who, if they can get jobs after college, will keep the country running because….taxes.

Congratulations! And thank you.

A "Clean Break" will rarely be subtle. What a great statement from the showrunners that they're moving on with all of the characters (well, most - Winston?). As for Nick & Jess, they're starcrossed lovers in a comedy. Partly because the two are always so electric together, I just assumed they don't function on a

Nora, Nick disagrees. Schmidt always knew Fawn was a placeholder — part of the great and funny pain of the character who grew up enough to know he'd messed things up for good, while loving the hell out of the one that got away - and would have to the grave.

I'm glad everyone has recognized his contribution to the show - esp since he was shoehorned in when Wayan's left after the pilot. Huge laughs, but always, always from the heart!

God I love this show, and have from the pilot. This is the best ensemble acting, and the best character chemistry on TV in years — since "Friends," I believe. I was so damn pleased with this episode, and at the same time fearing that all of the loose ends being tied up signaled a sort of "just in case" SERIES

It's NOT Don's place to parent other kids; he knows he's doing a bad enough job with Sally. Besides, in a conversation with a table of "young ladies," there were surely other cringe-worthy "observations" and "epiphanies" from all of the girls, not necessarily sexual in nature like the "fast" girl. Don was being a

Agree 100%. Plus, the girls will need no extra ammunition on their long summer trip to learn to hate the "fast" girl! I believe Sally gives herself a free pass, regarding of small patches with Don because…..Sylvia.

She's actually charming and kind of fun on "Last Man On Earth." I was very surprised to be enjoying her performance

correction: flatline readings.

Finally a tie in from Mad Men to Walking Dead. Glen is patient zero!

Go on……

A premature Mr. Goodbar?