The Prisoner

Orange Sherbet. Was that his nickname, like "Rosebud," for Megan?

Excellent point! Didn't occur to me but you're dead on! By '70 "The Graduate" was a huge part of the culture.

Pete's been polishing that gun for years.

Betty did it to know how it feels for Don, and to put them onto a level playing field. The guy was just any lucky bastard who happened to be there — but I'm guessing she'd require an entry-level handsomeness, just as Don would.

Yep. Remember that time she walked in on Sally…..you know…..and how incensed and freaked out she was? For Betty, sex is a power play. Glen got no game.

It's very fun when you step away for a few minutes (Glen had me come to the bathroom to watch Betty, well, you know….) and when you get back you have to log off, log in, refresh the page, and then go back to the comment. Thanks, AV Club!

Yes, from his point of view. If I were disturbed enough to peep through a keyhole to watch her go to the bathroom (seaso 1), or carry around a lock of her hair, or be a teenager who'd already shot down my prospects due to an over exuberant belief in "flower power" and was about to be shipped off to the front lines

After he watched her pee. (Season one)

It's Weiner's fault, not Marten's. I'm sure the kid is pretty devastated by the reviews. He tried, but in a "fair" world he never would have gotten the part.

sorry, didn't see yours!

Marten Holden….CAULFIELD????

YES! And I thought it knocked the wind out of Don to even have it intimated that he was in the room for any reason other than to be Brilliant. Instead, the remark dragged him "down" to where he perceives Sal's level is - the bottom of the bottom.


The boy is the elephant in the room, except an elephant has more range.

Where do you think he'll hide Betty's lock of hair while he's off to war?

I actually think she's showing a little more decent judgment and empathy this season.

Like Sofia in Godfather 3. Not insulting her, just Coppola's weird decision to make her a linchpin for the drama. Same with the boy and this scene. It would have been much more interested seeing a conflicted kid, rather than wood boy. Anyway, AMC already has a zombie show - we don't need it here!

Creepier even if you remember he watched Betty pee through the bathroom door keyhole. A shame nepotism won over a better actor. The scene was written to be better than "awkward."

I think you may be saying that from a 2015 perspective rather than from a 70's point of view. Smoking was much less stigmatized then - Don had probably been smoking since he was 12, 13 or younger. Hell, cigarettes were quaint compared to pills and weed and everything else that was available to worry parents about

Exactly. Don didn't want to embarrass her by calling her on her crap. Plus - what the hell? You can't parent someone else's kid between the entree and dessert! Letting Sally know her friend was "fast" was smart and totally correct. OF COURSE Sally has every right to be afraid her dad might do something, though,