The Prisoner

Yeah, but it's FOX animated Gambit, not the hardcore comic one.

Thanks for another interesting review that digs deeper than the mere "recap" mentality of so much of the AV Club these days.

I think those of us who thought Ben Affleck was a GOOD idea are now vindicated! He will be great. Unfortunately, there's a bigger problem - the movie looks like it won't be so great.

But ONLY if it doesn't become another "Lex Luthor has tricked the two
baddest guys on the planet into fighting each other so he can……."
trope. Because there's no philosophical question involved any more.
Instead it becomes a couple superheroes hugging, saying "Fool me once!"
and then pummeling Luthor. Super. Yawn.

I thought they were going to forgo the origin this time?

DC EXEC 1: "I'm a little worried. This Avengers Ultron trailer we've been looking at for the last 6 months STILL has the Hulkbuster armor in it.."
DC EXEC 2: "And?"
EXEC 1: "AND…our whole idea for 'Batman vs. Superman' is basicallly….you know…..Hulkbuster armor…."
EXEC 2: "Relax. That's only 2 weeks away. OUR

Hmm….pre-Nolan, Zack ruined Watchmen.

So, follow a bad idea by expanding upon its badness? Should be a real treat to watch the foundation crumble by the time they get to Justice League. I'd rather have Lex Luthor invent a "forget" ray, and point it at the all the characters in the movie, and THEN turn it to the audience so that we can be bathed in

OR, they could continue to BUILD Superman's character, awareness, and sense of right and wrong so he could become the character we WANT him to be. Instead, it's gonna be a slugfest. That worked GREAT in the comics, in the 80's, when it was NEW and FIRST. Also, can't wait for the "twist" to find out that Lex Luthor

Are we still talking about Jesus?

'Cause you KNOW the Ant Man movie will stick to what has worked for 50+ years and still have humor. You KNOW Supes/Bats is going to be a super pile of guano.

"Chumming For Fans"

Yeah, but it's for Ursula, or else the little crab.

Thank you Gnome Chomsky

***Martian Manhunter phases over to Marvel. Takes cut in pay to preserve dignity***

Remaining male superheroes high-five until Superman's hand get sore.

like, in rain….

Now THAT'S a Zach Snyder movie!

Aquaman: I'm having blowfish!

It'll be the ultimate superhero "meet cute." More of a date movie, really.