The Prisoner

Plus orange blurs, because, Aquaman.

Ugh, yes. They're already off course. MOS has done irreparable damage to Supes' DNA.

METROPOLIS BYSTANDER #7 "Hey, you! Get off my damn lawn!"

The New 52 - a deck of cards I buy to play solitaire rather than watch this epic.

Zach is more of a simile man, "My understanding of how to do a superhero movie is like the way an infant understands calculus"

Definition of a bad tentpole picture

The Incredibles was - The Fantastic Four movie Fox couldn't figure out how to make, - a Great James Bond film, - a stellar movie for anyone who hasn't given up.

A lot of really great comments about the new movie. I'd like to put in my 2 cents. A big budget remake of this classic Superman story might even be a bigger hit than what they're doing already! (Spoiler - there is "And you don't even bled" line here, late in the vid!!)

The more I think about Bats vs Supes, the more I wish Uatu would do something more than WATCH. If ever there was a time to interfere in the ways of humanity — it's during the writing process of this movie. Too late? Perhaps he can still influence the edit.

Well, to be fair, we haven't yet seen what a Super Yawn would look like! Lots of discussion of "should DC go so dark?" or "finally an adult version of superhero conflict," or "will there be jokes?" All great questions, but top of the list should be: "Can you just make it GOOD, whichever direction you take?"

HULK not need puny human defend HULK! HULK smash if HULK encounter outside chat room!

Me about say same

I'd add that, yes, Claire, Karen and Elena are victims, however, they are not femmes fatales. Unlike sappy Mary Jane in the Spider-Man movies, all three of these women are proactive, and get into trouble for throwing fighting back - Claire saves Matt yet keeps it a secret, Karen tries to blow the whistle on the

That's a really interesting observation. Stick's way of showing Matt is still a little boy. Hmmm.

You look nothing like Nimoy. (smiley emoticon here)

WOW. Does Scott Glenn look exactly as Frank Miller drew him or what? Down to the lines on his face. Fantastic acting, and I'm glad this Stick is the same miserable crusty anti-Yoda SOB he was in the comics. (Note, Stick first appeared in Daredevil #176, Fall of '81, a little more than a year after Empire Strikes

My Star Wars erection has lasted much longer than four hours. Should I consult a physician?

"Jakku" - Finnish/noun, translates in English to "coat," "blazer" or "tunic." These are all ways to "cover up." The planet is Tatooine, and Abrams is once again "Khan"-ning us!

Love me some Robot & Dr Smith too. Just love first "Khan" movie
more, and we wouldn't have had that without Lucas either (for both
effects and mainly Paramount was paralyzed with fear about Trek until
they saw Star Wars - not the movie, the box office.

BTW, to all the George Lucas bashers trolling here today — you'd be watching reruns of Lost In Space right now if it wasn't for him, so lay off. And don't forget "THX1138," the sublime, highly influential and trend setting "American Graffiti," and how the vision of just one sickly nerd with no real prospects from a