The Prisoner

That is a totally cool thing to say! I'm liking a lot of your comments

Does anyone remember "Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn?" Used to follow the Daily Show, but looked very low rent and had lower ratings. BUT, it was electric. Comedy Central house comedians and the occasional outside Big Star, all shouting talking points, and skewering any target in the news, as well as each other.

It's hard not to criticize Wilmore. Really tough shoes he's filling. Colbert appeared like Venus, fully formed out of the ocean. By the end of his first week he had his schtick DOWN, and ran with it. Wilmore can have all the time he wants to figure out his show, but the contrast to Colbert will just be that much

Great points. Esp about Jessica Williams. That would have been a welcome game changer. But really, at this point, the only known quantity who has such a ridiculously easy and informal relationship with the audience via the inert eye of a TV camera is Colbert, and he has one hell of a gig starting soon!

That sound you hear is the entire Comedy Central audience choosing to spend its time with the "new" king of late night, Stephen Colbert, when he takes over Letterman's slot. It will hurt the Daily Show, and Larry Wilmore as well, because an audience up late with limited time to watch TV will skip fake news for the

If they can make a 7th Star Wars movie why the hell can't they get an A.V. Club account process that will effing STAY logged in???????

They actually passed the torch….er, lightsaber…..to the new generation! In line for tix now. You guys bring the popcorn.

I shot BEFORE Greedo!

starring Wilford Brimley as Chewbacca….

Pure epic. There was that amazing poster - way better than the first prequel - of young Anakin with Darth's shadow behind him. This is the same kind of iconic.

He waved his hand to indicate my bathing suit area, right next to my x-wing, and I'm not ashamed to say I asked him to do it again.

First prequel was FIRST movie I ever took my daughter to. SHE WAS 2 THEN!!!!

alt response, "Depends."

Fleshy lightsaber fight ensues. Participants insist only "sparring."

Wow, how will it ever make money off of millions of fans who will see it many times?


Irony died with Graydon Carter's haircut

I've got a bad feeling about that guy

Wait, that was Han? I thought it was Grampa Bob Falfa!

They did it. They finally did it. I am now officially ridiculously excited for this! I have no more Star Wars buttons left for them to push!!!!