The Prisoner

I'm glad we can feel confused about Danny. It's the key to liking this show.

BEST SENTENCE OF THE WEEK! : "His conquests are so numerous as to approach self-parody; when he speaks
to a woman he doesn’t sleep with later, it’s the show’s equivalent of a
twist ending."

COMPLETELY agree! I posted on that at length above before reading you. It's way more important that I can rewatch a key scene, or an episode, and choose at my whim, rather than exhaust myself in front of the TV for 13 hours. We can't be the only ones!

Fully agree. I'm a very impatient person. As a kid, building model planes, I'd play with them before the glue was dry and cursed when the wings fell off! But I can't be impatient with "Bloodline." Like "True Detective," there's just too much that chills me to the bone, reminders of types of people I've known, some

Agree. It's like wishing you could eat the cake while it's only half-baked. A lot of impatience, do other viewers feel bored? I'm loving the slow exposition, the doling out of clues, and learning more about characters and having to change my initial assumptions at almost every turn. Feels more REAL.

Agree. Danny, even though he doesn't always show it, is a wounded animal against the wall. Best not to mess with him.

I think you need to factor in Sally's self-deception, as well as the fact that so much of the day to day stuff was handled by the father, who recently died. For her, it's a toxic suspension of disbelief.

Some good points and recap, but I can't agree that "Bloodline" wouldn't work on "regular," week to week TV. Just because we CAN binge on Netflix, and because so many unambitious journalists all over the internets love to have a buzzword to buttonhole anything (surrendering individual insights into press release "me

I'm guessing that Meg gets on your nerves because it's written and acted pretty realistically? I'm always pleased to see actors grow, and LInda Cardellini has come a long way from being really really good in "Freaks & Geeks." She's had a lot less experience than Danny with straying off "the path" (even for a

Great point. I've been obsessed with the theme behind Danny — when you've pretty much abandoned someone, as the entire Rayburn family did to Danny, is there ever a way that you will be able to get to know him, or know what things he may have been into in the years when he was away? It goes along with the larger

I think the feelings so many of us have for Danny spring from excellent writing and even better acting. Ben Mendelsohn, whom I've never seen before, but will fix that soon enough (!) has done one of the best jobs I've ever witnessed, TV or film, of bringing a character TO LIFE. He's as complex (more?) than so many

I did the same. SPOILER - I think I may have PTSD, first time ever from a TV show, at the end of ep 12. Seriously.

I think it's because life has made him, and he's been fully complicit by participating in this way, into a mean SOB. My "go to" phrase for Danny's character is, whenever anyone asks him what he wants, he immediately says, "I just want you to feel what I feel." Wow. Empathy at its most destructive. It doesn't get

Interesting. I really thought Danny was just trying, and succeeding, in getting into John's head by "incepting" that there may have been something between he and his wife back in the day. I keep going back to Danny's wish, when anyone asks him what he wants, he tells them, "I just want you to feel what I feel."

Thanks to you as well. Life is damn tough, and we all need support. Both of my parents were abandoned, in some way, by one of their parents, and it came back in a fierce need to build a strong family and to be there for each other. It's something that's been instilled in me and my brother. I'm just saying, it's

Interesting observations both of you. I love Danny, and love to hate him, and hate that I have to hate him! I think with the fish filleting scene in the kitchen, for example, he's being the Good Uncle, without ulterior motive. Of course, his depths of manipulation of any situation can't be ignored. He's a complex,

I won't spoil, and agree that Mendelsohn is "streets ahead" of the others, but revisit your opinion of Kyle Chandler, and also Linda Cardellini, as things progress.

I'm your #1 fan now, Lee! Seriously, "Bloodline" has really been affecting me - no spoilers but I just finished last night - and I think that's because it passes my two basic tests for good drama - does it feel authentic (acting, writing, directing), and do I feel there is something AT STAKE. Yes on all. Put

Well said. Same reviewer gave Kimmy Schmidt the over-analytical treatment, pulling the race card on the Native American subplot. I used to come to the AV Club FIRST for insightful reviews that would expand my understanding. Lately, though, it's a lot of undergrad film school blather. We have EW for that.

I'm loving this show. I'd said earlier that I wish it played out a little more, had Phil show us even more of his alone-ness before the other characters came, but I'm really liking the other characters, so no big deal. January Jones is charming (!) and fun (!) which we've never seen before and it's really great.