The Prisoner

Fun and interesting show. I wish it had more of a slow burn — I think there was more comedy to mine from Phil's lonliness, then bring in Carol and work out all that meet-cute NOT business, and maybe 4 or 5 episodes in have Phil give in to the crushing fact that he's not gonna do any better on this Earth and finally

It would be pretty eye-opening to open the door on this and other religious entities, ALL tax-exempt, amassing huge coffers because they are exempt to all of the burdens we all face. I'm constantly amazed to see religion get a free pass whenever we discuss corporate tax-dodging (which is also, by the way, horrendous)

First, I'm sorry for your personal experiences. That's awful and I'm glad that you have such strength and support to get through it; a lot don't. I'm enthralled by Danny because of all of the seeming contradictions. Remember, the series nearly didn't happen, because Danny nearly turned around rather than come to

Sooooooo, why a C+ Kayla? The acting by almost everyone on this show continues to be compelling and dead-on, and the writing mostly so. Characters behave in certain ways at the beginning of the series that may be questionable in an episodic review, but through the overall arc of the show, believe me, every one

Everything about this show is beginning to feel bargain basement. Maybe it's just my extreme disappointment that Kyle MacLachlan is NOT Maximus, or maybe it's the sloppy line readings of characters. I could really do without the CONSTANT "score" - not music but droning notes that pervade the show wall to wall and

Claire insulted Petrov in Moscow, embarrassed him on his own turf, and wasted everyone's time by scuttling the diplomatic agreement between heads of state for her momentarily well-placed "principles." Petrov is pissed off, and you would be too.


Is it possible to take our well-meaning PC and diversity magnifying glass and leave it at the door — for a half hour — enjoy perhaps just how much this show celebrates the right for everyone to be funny, or an absolute idiot, or ridiculously absurd, or representative of some deeper irony regardless of race, creed, or

Well I'm optimistic for this season (before they make the movie). Why is it that each new season a reviewer acts as if they understand THE KEY to what made Community funny before? Guys, even the "gassed" season 4 had funny bits. To announce, in a kind of compressed timeline version of SNL criticism that "it was so

Restraint and nuance? Nick Kroll pantsless on a toilet (because, Nick Kroll) with IBS? Candles to mask the smell? Remind me not to come to your house on chili night. This was the broadest of Kimmy's so far, and — meh. SPOILERS******* - the season goes in this direction, an overlong conclusion with a payoff not

Miss Tina Fey herself was the voice of the robot, yes?

This is a great doc. What are you doing reading the review? Just go see it!

I disagree. The episode stands just fine on its own, and using Saul as the open-ended framing device sets the stage nicely, and for a surprise in an entire story flashback. Also, we can mourn the lack of original dialogue coming from some characters' mouths, but Mike's daughter in law WOULD speak in cliches. And

Titus's "laptop" and Kimmy's bananaphone. Funniest sight gags yet.

I just don't get the HATE this show is getting season 3. Two things make this the BEST season so far: 1) Much of the "white man's blues" about relationships, clandestine and not, is gone. Claire isn't wasting screen time with some crappy, pretentious photographer (and subplot) that goes

Thank you! This show has escaped the shackles of "relationship drama" and is finally into the world of political intrigue/fantasy politic scenarios, and it much better for it!

By the way, not that the public has a short memory, but "that Mariachi guy" was Horatio Sanz, formerly of SNL.

PRETTY UNWATCHABLE. I viewed the first two episodes of the NBC version,
and then tried out ep 1 of the Aussie original. Nearly word-for-word
and angle-for-angle at NBC. That's not the main impediment I have to
enjoying this show, though, shows get remade all the time, some better
and some not. In both versions,

Damn you are hard to please! What's it take for you to give an A? Admittedly MFamily has been sliding/riding on its own fumes for awhile, which is why I was pretty astonished to find that this episode such an achievement. It's not simple or lazy to rethink an entire show format to fit a "gimmick" and that makes it

I just said the same thing in about a million words. You nailed it!