The Prisoner

Thanks for another excellent review of a "sitcom" that actually, perplexed as I
am about this, has gotten me thinking about the serious repercussions of such a
show on network TV.
WOW. I have not realized until this season just how SUBVERSIVE P&R has been. All these years. Let's face it, the middle years

Anyone else thing that dogmeat looked like delicious, tender steak? I wonder if that was intentional, as if helping us to see, through the characters' eyes, that we can rationalize anything? (except for Darryl, who eats worms for "water"). Probably should have used flank or skirt steak, make it all seem a little

This was very interesting, but it really ignored the elephant in the room for not only DC but Marvel comics as well — we spend money on characters we LOVE and IDENTIFY WITH. We invest these characters with parts of ourselves, whether they are our own traits we recognize, or, more powerfully, they are vessels for

Crossover - Michael McKean is David St. Hubbins in the witness protection program. (Check out the footwear)

I think we've just seen a new definition for "plea bargain" — Jimmy and Tuco in the desert. A brilliant scene balancing terror with humor. It's the kind of tension that was so great in BB. Not because it copies, but just because we get to compare and contrast. We finally have a character who could offer a new

Enjoyed the show at the beginning, but then noticed that the initial chemistry between A & Z diminished! There was way too much reliance on the "antics" of the supporting characters, but then, had the leads been irresistible, that wouldn't have been necessary. ("It's not your job to be as confused as Nigel").

Bored to death with Noah - (by the way, is he called that because he seems to want to collect two of everything sexually - or is it because he's perpetually in danger of being under water?) - I don't know if Dominic West is not a great actor, or if the material is just not good or good for him. Yes, Noah's an

How anyone could leave Maura Tierney for anyone is beyond me. "…..continues to infuse Helen with the necessary layers to make Noah’s story
work even as he’s becoming an increasingly difficult character to care
about." That's it. I don't care about Noah. I think the problem with this show is that the men aren't

This show is so damn great. Best ensemble since "Friends." Maybe better. Maybe this show is if "Friends" had happened in Millennial times. You're spot-on that now the characters can do whatever as long as they get to be together. The actors and writers have the characters down so well, into the DNA, that every

Wow — Rick running down the cop with his own car, replete with photo of cop and his son on the dashboard. I HATED Beth dying, but Daryl's and Maggie's deep and beautifully played grief ALMOST made up for it. The problem with the prison, er Governor's town, er HOSPITAL is that it was just the same note played almost

Each episode reveals more just how much of a dick Noah is. He's lost,
blah blah blah. Alison is at least complex, and a bit less taken from
the Handbook Of American Self-Inflicted Blues rulebook. I think you
should add that Alison is TRAPPED, in a way that a man usually isn't,
and this is why Noah has the CHOICE to

Okay. Six hours in. Does anyone else feel like they're committing to "True Detective Light?" Or is "The Affair" the dirty feeling we ourselves get for watching this guilty pleasure show instead of spending time with our families or reading a good book? Or is Showtime just playing Skinemax with its nudity and sex

Alison's mom extremely heavy handed at the top, then they gave her some "fair and balanced" when she had some on-the-spot observations — the most obvious about Alison's "sexual energy." Oscar, though, is the one who's starting to grow on me. I think it may be because there's a very good, committed, talented actor

Well I'm four hours in now and it's still a very slow burn. There's just enough to keep me interested, but I have to say, I want to spend more time with the ancillary characters. They actually seem better fleshed out, and don't play the same beats as our star-crossed "lovers."
Did anyone else love the old lady at

Just began watching today. Some scenes are cringeworthy, bad Cheever fiction, but we thankfully realize these tropes are saved by the Rashomon conceits .
Still, remember "Fatal Attraction?" The main problem I had with that movie was I couldn't believe ANYONE would cheat on Ann Archer (no matter what Glenn Close

Let's not look for five feet on a cat. This show wasn't set up as a wacky comedy, and frankly, that's okay. Suburgatory was painful in its "wacky" excesses — an Ana Gastheyer WAY over the top at all times, the silliness of her daughter. I'm not sure you know what you're looking for in this show. Me either. But

Just started the series on Hulu. Smart, well shot and acted. Great production values. Give it points just for having Daniel Stern! I like the Mad Men vibe. Of course, the overall sadness and tragedy of building that damn bomb puts the lump in your throat as you watch — until you remember we weren't the only ones

Anyone else skeeved out by the cops' knee-jerk ability to harass Andrew just for ducking behind a car? No, "excuse me sir, but what are you doing there"??? Instead, they get all LA cop authoritative and demand that he rise immediately to them, and then they (yes TWO cops) escalate the aggression on the poor schlub.

Hmmm….Motif has hair like Kramer. The fat guy is obnoxious and hated — an amalgam of George Costanza and Newman (replete with door slams in face)??? Nasim is flippant and sarcastic like Elaine (and also extremely hot in her own way), and Mulaney is definitely Jerry-Lite. From the suits in the comedy performances,

I don't think Bob was infected, instead I think he was weeping because the whole damn shaky underwater experience really challenged his extreme optimism we saw at the beginning of the episode. Kind of a parallel the old story of priests' faith shaken by some outside force - foreshadowing of….Gabriel???
Not only