The Prisoner

I'd like to see more discussion about how the Termites are hipsters (or, "Millenials," as we politely market to them so as not to offend - much more onerous to our society today than mere Assholes). From Gareth's (the name says it all!) tortured reasoning in the S5 premiere that "you're either the butcher or the

-"Can we leave now when this feels kind of even?"!!!!!
-Amia having to sit with all those comedians not knowing what they're saying — Louie's insensitivity to her needs in such a situation.
-Jim Norton's "Yuck" towards Vanessa, and here he's completely dressed down by Amia and her — dig? — in a foreign tongue. Look on

IMDB calls her "Young Janet"

Nope. Was beautifully acted. Amia's ambivalence at first gave into a kind of resigned passion. But she would have left IF she'd wanted to.

There were plenty of other hippies she could have danced with, many without beards.

For all seven "seasons" it's bugged me that the cigarette "Don" holds at the end of the show open is just too fat.

Oh, forgot — BEST LINE of the show. Lou asks Don what he would do. "I'd fire you," he says to Lou, knowing he's fanning the hate fire! Then, at the end of the episode, Lou "compliments" Don and Don retorts with a simple "thank you," that really has the TONE of FU! Even a watered down, hobbled Don who is "back"

"Community," even in its non-Harmon times, was so damn smart, so damn funny, so damn meta, so damn quirky — and those creaky CBS jalopies, dressed up in a fresh coat of dirty-jokes paint, have millions watching (Mom, 2 Broke Girls, 2 1/2 Men…). The kids and I WANT our "six seasons and a movie." I'm afraid of what

Anyone else think this is a good time to reopen the case for Sharon Tate? Season 7 premiere: Don tells Megan, "Are you sure you want to live out here, so far from everything?" as the coyotes howl. This week, not only is the father of Stephanie's baby a failed musician who is doing time for selling pot in Venice

We could be nearing the time to revise our thoughts on the Clooney Batman. (The horror, the horror!)

I've never seen anything so lame move so fast!……

AT LAST the show has hit a stride. Messing up S.H.I.E.L.D. was the best thing for it. Now they're not all one big happy crew of misfits, but they're now more complex.
Coulson continues to be the beating heart of the series, and even with a sense of humor through it all, though sometimes gallows humor.

I'd like to push the 2001 reference further. In 1969, we, and Matt Weiner, can't allude to a MONOLITH without addressing Kubrick's 2001, and HAL (the acronym which Clarke/Kubrick derived by moving IBM one letter south for each consonant). One of the most breathtaking and influential films of all time, 2001 itself

I LOVE your observation that Harry and Pete are always the ones who have the pulse of the future on their agendas. I thought this about Pete since season one — he's right, but so obnoxiously so, that you hate him (love to hate him). As I mentioned in comments on last episode, LOU-ser is the real dinosaur, the man

Coming just after perhaps one of the best written episodes of the entire series, "A Day's Work" was upsetting to me in just how much precious time of this Final Season was wasted. Too much time was spent on office "farce" of Peggy and the flowers — "Time Zones" handled it so much more succinctly and eloquently when

One more thing — did anyone else think it portentous that Don pointed out to Megan that her house was out there, "in the middle of nowhere" as coyotes could be heard yelping in the background? If ever a clue was placed to those Megan = Sharon Tate, this was it!

I think we need to spend some time here discussing all of the WARNING SIGNS sent to Don. First, he's aware that his drinking, and the resulting Hershey pitch implosion, have led him to becoming "Cyrano." It was a "penny drop" moment to realize that Freddie was just a mouthpiece to Don's usual advertising perfection.

Nope. You left out "Testament," a very small, personal immediately post-apocalyptic drama with Jane Alexander from 1983. Aired (and with limited theatrical release) the same week "The Day After" polluted the airwaves with its crap, this is the single most horrifying thing PBS ever showed. Check it out!

Hey, I don't think you can call it a "spoiler" page and NOT have any knowledge of the past 40 years of Captain America and Ultimates comic books! Toby Jones "outdated computer," for instance, is a direct reference to Jack Kirby's 1970's run of Captain America. Not only that,the first time you see "Arnim Zola" in the

Fell out of my chair at"Professor Sean Garrity." If you've seen Damages, then you know this is the same actor who played the stereotypical Irish thug "Finn Garrity." The joke was so far inside, but a real treat to those of us who have hoped Community would BE BACK!!!!