Wolf Pants

Almost as if material things don't equal happiness!

Silence is Sexy was the first EN album I heard, I think, and remains my favourite. Good introduction? Eh, maybe.

+1 would watch.

I think my main take-away from Funny Games (along with media that give a similar message, for example Spec Ops: The Line) is that you are complicit in what you engage with, so watching a film (or whatever) is a two-way street.

That's a good point, I never thought of that but maybe it's why I'm fine with subtitles myself. It's to the point where I even prefer to put subtitles on if the film/show is in English already.

He is fully 50% beard.

But to be fair, fuck 'em.

Tonight on AV Club: A single-joke Tumblr account that will be forgotten within a week

Awesome things for some, sucky things for others!

It's late here, and on first read, the headline "what not to yell at a lesbian comic" made me think of someone screaming at Strangers in Paradise or something.

Toil, toilet, toilest.

John Cusack has other expressions?

I had to look up what he'd worked on, and I was going to give him a pass for a run on The Authority until I remembered those issues were pretty terrible and caused it to get rebooted.

Eh, if they plug the leaks we don't need to worry about it and it's all safely contained. Like toxic waste!

I periodically try and get into Elliot Smith, as his work is the sort of thing I theoretically should like, and he's been highly recommended and all. Ultimately though I end up finding that it hits the same sort of places as Bright Eyes and Death Cab For Cutie, but those artists resonate with me an awful lot more.

Maybe you like pitchshifted horses. I'm not going to judge.

That happened after I listened to Skrillex.

This new Avril Lavigne song is pretty catchy.

I really want to try The Last of Us, but I'm kind of uncertain about it after having played through most of the Uncharted trilogy and given up, due to Nathan Drake's inability to so much as cross the street without shooting 20 dudes. There were certainly bits I enjoyed, but they were so regularly punctuated by

I'm sort of dimly surprised that this is the first I've heard of this film. I thought all the books of his I read were good — I never managed to finish Lunar Park, and I can't remember why — at least in part because the weird unreality that pervades them is quite familiar to me, having been (over)medicated with