
Only Hannibal is close.

This episode is the key to everything.

I think they're talking about the NINETEEN eighties.

I should have said "I have never gotten into these discussion boards…" I don' t typically care what other people think, but everyone here is really intelligent and insightful.

Obviously, you're Vera

Spoiler alert!

We should say that on every comment, just to fuck with the newcomers without technically spoiling anything.

Why thank you, Dr. Crick. I did a few quick google searches and couldn't find any other mention of the FB thing on the internet.

I think there is a link between Krista and Joanna. The "she studied IT at The Institute of Psych and Madness, in NY" is my primary reason for this, at this point.
I'm trying to work out another theory regarding other characters:
Elliot and Angela (supposedly, but I don't quite buy it) both lost a parent to Evil Cancer.

IDK why but Disqus won't let me sign in under my username. It keeps arbitrarily bouncing back and forth between these two…
Anyway, I just finished episode 3 re-watch.
Nobody ever says out loud that Angela's mom and Elliot's dad were actually killed by the leak. It's kind of implied, but it's never explicit.
Also, are we

I've been thinking about Jungian "shadow projection" since roughly 30 seconds in to episode 1.
I'll dissect your post a little later. I'm too tired to think right now. Plus, "The Jerk" is on.

I've found that when people say things like "incredibly obvious twist," what they mean is "I totally should have seen that coming." Or, "I read all the comments before I actually watched the episode…"

I had to rewatch to get this, but here you go:
They hacked the hvac system in order to raise the temperature enough to destroy the data on the tapes. The multiple redundant sites didn't turn out to be a problem because AirDream networked all of them together (to "phone home" to the same place).
What Darlene was

I'm not familiar with the gaming world enough to have input on the controller, other than it's not likely a mistake. It's pretty prominently placed. Next to what looks to me to be a glass one-hitter (weed pipe). And that looks like a crack pipe in his hand.

Seriously, I'm interested. eatfoodgood@yahoo.com

keep us posted!
Sounds interesting!

One of my favorite lines was the vet tech asking him if Flipper was chipped. I was thinking "well, he is now!"
But the best line for me is "I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I'll try the Pradas next!"

Rewatching Season 1, in reverse order. Some "stray observations" of my own:
Number stuff: 5 rounds of 4 knocks each (20 total knocks, 20 years of dead dad)
Elliot disembarks from the elevator onto the 23rd floor to look for Tyrell at Evil Corp in Ep 10, but in Ep 8, Tyrell gets off on the 22nd floor.
3 twenties in the

I'd probably rather have candles than infants. But people who light candles fucking freak me out.