
I have no recollection of that. Cisco told him to destroy the hard drives?

I just wiki-ed SI. There's a lot to read!! I just called out from work so I could learn all about it. How awesomely ironic is that?

Last we saw, he was with Darlene at the end of episode 9. Hopefully she still has him

I like the Vera character too (see my post below). A lot. I referred to "balance," etc but I left out the parallels between Vera and Elliot.
It's like Vera is the anti-Elliot. Like how cops make good criminals and criminals make good cops. The mindsets are similar.
These guys are nearly identical, yet vastly

Definitely classic emotional/mental/physical abuser behavior. Even Ron had more moral fiber than this guy. Ok maybe not, but it's close.

Probably. But he OP specifically asked about a hoodie.

That scene had the feel of the one in the dream sequence in episode 4 when he meets young Darlene, on the scooter.

You're probably right.

In the carriage. With a pickle fork.

Estonia has been on a lot of peoples' radars for a while now. Maybe a year. Mainly because of their e-residency program (I'll let you Google it; it's actually incredibly interesting).
Also because they fully expect to be the next Ukraine. And soon.
They are like 98% covered by fiber optic there.
I understand a lot of

The tracking shot as White Rose pulled up to the mansion was all Kubrick.

In a previous episode, the distortion fades and it's clearly Darlene wearing the mask. HOWEVER, that might have been in the Ep 4 dream sequence, so maybe not reliable.

I get a very Andrea Yates-y / Gone Girl vibe from Joanna now.

Have you ever seen the UK show Black Mirror? They did a Christmas Special episode that I keep thinking about as I ponder Mr Robot.

Hey thanks for the Gil Scott Heron reference. I'm putting that album on right now.

I think they left that intentionally ambiguous. Mr Robot says in an earlier episode "She's not there any more…" or something like that, in reference to mom.

Did you ever see Mulholland Drive? I think the final scene in Mr Robot is not meant to be taken literally. I think it's how Elliot perceives the world to be controlled. Sort of like the dream sequence in ep 4.
In Mulholland Drive, the first part of the movie (before they put the key into the box) is Naomi Watts'