
Why do I gotta be fuckin' kidding you?

zero fucks for that guy

There was a decent up-skirt shot too. It was a towel though.

Google her name. Image search.

It wasn't so gradual…

Her actions were A-ok, and not unlike previous episodes where characters slept with random people. The difference is that the reviewer never referred to any of them as whores until now:
"But her retort to the lawyer in the bar… is met by a brutal suggestion that she’s become a whore. So
Angela responds in kind, going

I forgot about that FSociety video. I still think the Dark Army and/or Wellick were behind it to keep him from testifying (remember he just snitched to the FBI)

I just can't see Gideon being vilified like that when there are far more culpable figures at ECorp. I'm leaning towards the Dark Army or Wellick having him killed in order to not testify, and the "crisis actor" statement just a red herring.
Welcome back, btw. This is gonna be a fun season.

??? Elliot never went to rehab.
But I can see Flipper being returned to HER owner as part of reconciling with Krista. Except Carley Chaiken said in a recent interview that "Flipper is definitely still around."

Her BDSM is how *I* destress…

Also, why would Angela be talking to herself?
And why does she have QWERTY?
And where is Flipper?
And how would "just some guy" come up with the idea to assassinate Gideon? Allsafe wasn't directly involved in the 5/9 hack, and they don't even appear to have been implicated. Seems like public sentiment would be more

Alex you seem to imply that Angela is a whore because she chose to sleep with a guy she met at a bar. I love your reviews but "shaming" is better left to the Westboro klan.

A: I don't think this was the whole episode. There is only ~36 minutes of content and the ending seemed really abrupt.
B: <3 "FUCK"
C: Was that Mobley, with the leg?
D: Mac Quayle is brilliant
E: The episode is available at "couchtuner.city"
F: I hope the increased popularity doesn't devolve AVClub comments into a forum

Hell yes! That sounds awesome. And necessary. It would be a great way to bridge the gap between seasons. I'm definitely interested in that. You can reach me anytime at (my Disqus username) at gmail. (Yes joelbhurst = Joel Hurst.)
This is probably the smartest discussion on Mr Robot out there. And the most insane.

I've been assuming that the voice-over narration was in real time, not ex post facto. Because of the fourth wallishness of it. Like we the audience are privy to his thoughts.
Some random thoughts:
> This show is smart, but it's still tv, and USA Networks to boot. So it's not smarter than us. I do think everything has

I used to work with a lot of musicians and other artists, and I think it's safe to say that most of them are pretty fucked up, in one way or another.

> If I remember my Psychology and Law text right, there is only "not guilty by reason of insanity." Depending on the severity of the crime and the severity of the insanity, the defendant will be remanded to the custody of a mental facility. I'm not sure how therapy plays into that though.
> I disagree about Krista.

Good find. Really interesting. Definitely a connection, and I can't wait to see what it is. Hopefully it's not just some clever shit a props guy came up with.

Re your last paragraph, I agree one million %. Reductionist tv is what drove me away. Re the rest, I'll have to reply some other time. Right now, my Corporate Overlords want me to, you know, "work."
Ps I'm also one million % on the Jungian side…..

>>>>>Great performances all around, even Chaiken is showing the subgatoryness of her performance is a mask.<<<<<
Great point. Especially if you've seen her Youtube stuff (the "Literally" stuff is incredibly funny). Sunita Mani has a shit-ton of hilarious stuff as well.