
What happened to the popcorn gun?

Pradas are waaay better than LK Bennetts….

Any thoughts on the hearts and love motif?
Darlene's glasses
The "I <3 New York" graffiti
Some of the ads

I haven't read all the comments yet, so I'm sure someone else has brought this up. Isn't the parking lot guy Vera?

How far into the episode is it? I don't feel like searching for the scene.

I agree that the politics aren't the point. Season 1 is book-ended by paranoid over-simplifications of "how the world works." In ep 1, it's blurry faceless men in a room. The top 1% of the top 1%. The coda in ep 10 is powerful people sipping champagne discussing mines in the Congo (I didn't see any shrimp though).

Autocorrect is totally ducked up.

He'll be the poet laureate when Kanye is elected president in 2020

What makes her a formal cheerleader? Does she cheer in a black dress?

William David Highsmith, the IT guy at the hospital. But it's pretty ambiguous.

I just realized that in Ep 3, when they're showing the Outlook Inbox, the high-lited name is Eamon Noone. Or, anagramically, "No One, No Name'

The same underlying reason(s) that caused her to be abusive could also be the reasons he is _____________

Isn't Elliot 20 years old? I base that on Angela saying something like "he's had a rough 20 years." Also, he looks about 9ish in the Mr. Robot store in '94. However, if he and Angela are the same age, they should be about 24 or so (b/c she finished college). Unless she's older than him.
I think these all mean

This show is a k-hole.

Hey do you remember in one of the first episodes, where Darlene is talking about her ex-bf falling in love with her? And how she thought that was so crazy? Was that Cisco? And is his name intentional (I'm thinking yes)?

Lol I don't think numerology has anything to do with Pure Maths.
I also think roughly 88% of the shit we're theorizing is FAR too ambitious for modern TV.
Also, I'm still stuck on the phonetics.
There's probably more.

Yep. And way more intelligenter.
Also unrelated, I'm starting to think Elliot is not real. At all.
I can't really explain it. . . Like, WE broke the fourth wall, not him. We (the audience) created him, in a way.
And Angela saying "you were born a month ago" is haunting me. As in, "this is the fourth episode, which

3 X 6 = 18 (the address of Mr. Robot and subsequently Evil Corp….)
Also, Tyrell, Elliot and Angela are 3 characters with 6 characters in their names….
And if you add up the Scrabble points for all the characters in the show, they probably equal 420….
But all this numerology is starting to make me feel like a Jehovah's

I just rewatched the pilot YET AGAIN, and they totally say FUCK a couple of times, with no bleeping. Specifically when Elliot is in the psych office. He says "fuck society," etc.
This could be because I torrent MR, and maybe there is a non-US version on the 'net that isn't censored…