
Damn dude. I think you get the Eagle Eye Award. I really hope the commentary on the BluRay is extensive and delves into all of this. I feel like I need to take a class on how to watch Mr. Robot.
The eggs you point out have gotta be intentional. I wonder where Esmail draws the line between "inside joke" and "meaningful

Somebody commented on tvline.com that MR doesn't even premiere in Canada until September.

Like Hannibal…. I was just wondering that myself

Please post here if you hear of an Episode 10 leak!!!!! We already know there are copies floating around…..

Too bad USA (network) won't give viewers an opt-in option…. Like let those of us who are already numb and desensitized from gangsta rap and GTA and Nicolas Winding Refn movies watch it on the interwebs or something.
I don't see USA's decision as a ploy, but I do believe that it was calculated.

I did that all day today. I guess I should have been watching the white-people-news.

My gf is OBSESSED with comments. I've never given two shits for them. Until Mr. Robot.

This is a great article. Hopefully the show is as true to its psychology as it is to its technology.

"What, is this some kind of bust?"
"I'll say!!!"

Also, "blurgh"

"English, MOTHER FUCKER!!! Do you speak it?!?!?!"
My Physics TA hated me.

Well said.
I am resisting going off on a jungian/anima/animus tangent here. Instead I'm channeling Whitney Cummings.

According to the USA web page, he was arrested a year ago for pulling off (actually, since he git busted, I guess he did NOT pull off) a "financial hack."

Maybe Jared Fogle paid her a visit….

I base my personal favorites on re-watchability. I can watch Pulp Fiction, any time, any place. I've NEVER rewatched any of the others.
There's also the "influence" factor. This doesn't much affect how I feel about this or that particular movie, but in a way, it does. Mainly because I saw Pulp Fiction in the theater

The counseling was a condition of his sentencing a year ago for a "financial hack." They don't explain it on the show; it's on USANetworks.com as his back story

Ok Darth Vaper I hope you don't mind, but I'm reposting something you wrote in response to the View Source episode (1.6 I think). This is one of the more interesting and insightful analyses I've seen thus far. I personally believe that the characters' names in Mr. Robot are deliberate and symbolic.
Elliot (http://www.s

Is it too late to lobby USA Network for a three-hour season finale?