
I've never even heard of Ripper Street. I'll have to check it out. It might be time for a Fortitude rewatch as well….

I disagree re Deadwood.
But it's my favorite show, ever.
So yeah, I'm biased.

Are you referring his career, post-True Romance?

Lol yeah b\c it's two totally separate Zen diagrams

EP 1.03 Angela: "That's how my mom and, um, Elliot's dad….." We think she says/said "DIED," but not necessarily. Maybe Edward slept with Angela's mom, which would make Elliot her half-brother (thereby supporting Darlene's sentiment, "you're family"…and also, possibly, the absence of Elliot's mom and Angela's mom from

"managing expectations" is certainly more an art than a science. Lifehacking, even, maybe.


Suboxone doesn't come in bottles 95% of the time. It's almost always a film strip, individually qrapped. They occasionally are prescribed in pill form, but will typically be filled in name-brand white bottles. At least in my experience.
The main point is that the lawyer provided Vera that photo as part of "Discovery,"

When I go to Google and type in "who is," the first thing Google suggests to autocomplete my query is "mr robot."
So either LOTS of people have been asking this question, or m'er f'er Sergey has been monitoring my internetting

Ugh… I'm on the fence about Better Call Saul. It's really really good, but I haven't rewatched a single episode. Peaky Blinders, on the other hand….

I shall. Only because it's you that is asking. :-)

Correcting my own post: the fork is a pickle fork. I didn't even know these existed. But she's actually using it to eat pickles in the "I saw God" part.

Yeah two-digit addresses are rare, especially in more heavily populated areas. You typically see two-digit addresses in super wealthy neighborhoods, usually in the 'burbs.
Of course, the "18" could have been the unit/suite number…

Oops I forgot to include Angela's dream sequence quote "you were just born a month ago" in my above post. That's why I was wondering about the timeline.
Dad dies on 2/28
FSociety is conceived
A month goes by

Omg are you my old boss at Whole Foods?

That adage is such bullshit

Would have been rather Dragon Tattoo-ish, I think. Nice.

It is a shitty double standard…. But I'm not sure how what you said applies to the show. Do you think there AREN'T father issues at play here? Or are you saying Darlene is a "whore?" She is the most sexual character on the show, but I'm not sure she's a whore.
Anyway, I think it's natural for the symptoms of Father

"I am who I am…"

Well, we'd need to know Joanna's current age. I can't really tell. The first child was born when Joanna was 15. If the child was just 12, Joanna would be ~27. But I think she's older than that. I'm guessing 33-36, which would make the first born 18-21