"Mirroring…" Any thoughts on this episode's title ? I like The Reviewer's take on mirroring, but I think it's deeper.
"Mirroring…" Any thoughts on this episode's title ? I like The Reviewer's take on mirroring, but I think it's deeper.
They're all derivative of https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
What if she was about to say she's his daughter?
She never actually confirmed to Elliot that she's his sister….
Actually, Mr Hurst is my dead father.
Everything you say is totally accurate. Especially re hubris. But Mr. Robot is also a show about the dangers of hubris (Google "hubris nemesis complex").
It says a lot about this show that I've never, EVER read (much less participated in) AV Club comments. Or any comments. Usually, I HATE these discussions. But I get a…
No, not at all. I wasn't referring to any of the history behind either. If you get a great deal on a car and you say you "jewed them down" it's as offensive as telling a person with Downs syndrome that he's a "retard," or calling someone with paranoid schizophrenia insane.
The historical context is irrelevant. It's the…
Spoiler alert!!!!!
So I was wondering if "Tyrell" was a typical Swedish name. Sounds more London or Harlem to me. So I looked it up. I've never heard this "slang" before, but it's obviously a calculated name choice.
Read here: http://www.urbandictionary….
It's basic relativistic quantum mechanics. Remember the post here a few weeks ago, after Shayla's murder? The one about Schrodinder's cat?
Of course I'm leaning towards a Heisenberg's Principle kind of thing (the more we analyze, the less we know)
I'm not sure it counts as a "spoiler" if (a) the show aired three days ago, (b) you're actively participating in its commentary, and (c) it was published on the network's web site weeks ago. It's just backstory. The show will likely never address it. Unless Elliot is indeed trapped in a time-loop, kind of a…
Granted, wikipedia doesn't count as evidence. But it's not a stereotype. It's just different traditions. Not that I'm against "traditional family structures…." Americans tend to impose their values on others because, well, we think we're awesome and we know how the rest of the world should…
Maybe I misremember too, but I'm pretty sure Dad #1, real childhood dad, never spoke to Elliot again after he pushed him out of the window, breaking his arm. This is the story Elliot told Mr Robot on the pier anyway. Right before MR pushed Elliot off of it.
But if MR is indeed Elliot's flesh and blood father, he kinda…
Nice…. Could totally be an ibogaine/DMT/ayahuasca trip (http://ibogalife.com/ibogai…
I theorized the life-flashing-before-his-eyes, a la "Mulholland Drive," but I just read an article/interview with Esmail about his cinematic influences re Mr Robot and David Lynch was nowhere to be seen.
Dude Fortitude rocked my world (and I have a folder for ALL of the ladies of Fortitude), but Mr. Robot rocks it more betterly.
Awesome article
Because he violated a sacred pact
What was the quote from some other show that said something like "the closest a man can get to God is by taking another man's life?"
Could Tyrell have been referencing that sentiment in his mini-breakdown?
Respectfully, I don't think any Joe Blow can tell IMDB he was a guest star on Whatever tv show and get his picture posted in the cast. Anyway, Michael Buscemi was in the credits (on tv, not just IMDB) for Episode one. But he supposedly played Romero.
I noticed some things on IMDB earlier.
In Episode 1, Mobley and Romero are listed as different actors than for the other episodes. And Romero is played by a white guy.