
Given the kitchen-sink approach to the MCU was it too much to ask for the Blacksmith to be Kaizer Soze? The dude makes heavy use of lawyers… it would be the perfect crossover for Daredevil!

Seriously though… was that Spike?

Someone else here astutely suggested that the writers may not have wanted to introduce another character so late in the season. It sure felt like a cheat.

Sam would want ants.

Seems like your token finale where the writers have no idea which actors they may be able to get back for season 2, so they find ways to potentially kill/ship off everyone.

"Now put on your explosive neck collar".

Who doesn't yell "Haduken!" when launching a guy with a fireball, right?

Not seeing it.

Agreed. I found the show to be spatially confusing right from the first episode and nothing's improved since. I mean, where's this TOWN?! It seems to be neutral territory, but it's never been described in even a superficial fashion, and nobody travels to it… they just materialize there.

We can't have that!

How did the mother miss the entire conversation? Carol and the kid weren't exactly near each other.

"Slipped the dumpster"?

I was wondering whether the actress was pregnant as she looked noticeably different from before, thanks for saving me a search.

I'm sure that his continued employment on a hit show wounds him deeply.

The show-runners missed out on a golden opportunity to pull off one of the greatest troll jobs in television history by having Enid unceremoniously shooting Glenn in the face. The ensuing Internet RAGE would have been epic, and completely worth it.

Luke's secretly Robocop.

Yeah the virus explanation is Phantom Menace bad, especially when there's so much real life evidence for the power of suggestion.

Other issue: How can Jeri represent Pam when she's a material witness? Would she cross-examine herself?

That's been my biggest frustration with the series, and it's not just Simpson because I know for sure that Trish (and at least one other main supporting character) came to the exact same conclusion that someone with Killgrave's powers needs to be killed and expressed that cogently to Jessica.

What confused the hell out of me about the pilot is where was "hollywood set town" supposed to be in relation (spatially) to the plantation? Every time they went there they cut directly from an interior scene at the plantation. Is that urban area supposed to be a neutral territory? Does it even have a name?