
I take it this means that Enid is an Ironborn… err… I mean Earner. The Wolves would never have bothered with espionage.

It would have been better if he had said that he wasn't with the Wolves, and then they'd be like "The Wolves?", and then he'd be all "Oh sh!t, more a-holes."

But it will involve Chekov's rocket launcher which, in itself, could prove satisfying.

I was getting more of Christian Bale's stunt double from the Machinist vibe than adult Macauley Calkin. *shrugs*

Or you know, hide the injured and then come back with one of the vehicles later.

At least his joyride de-greased his hair a bit.

There was also an easily scalable, shrub-lined fence they could reach on the other side. There was also also the garbage container they could have shot the lock off of and climbed into (a strategy that's worked like a dozen times on the show). But hey, I suppose that if one of your options is to crowd dive like a rock

I dunno, with his hair like that he's definitely the prettiest on the show.

They all DO look the same.

I'm still waiting to learn of Morgan's blindness in order to complete the circle of cliche.

It truly isn't.

I thought she was going to shoot Morgan for sure. I felt very relieved when I saw the Dickwolf waiting for him (in ambush) in that house instead.

And why show up there? In a crisis the military are only going to secure areas of strategic importance or that provide some kind of geographic/tactical advantage. If their generic suburban neighborhood was next to a giant freshwater reservoir or something I'd get it but, as it is, it's just another lazy detail on an

It really bothered me when she didn't pickup the gun or, even worse, left the secured area without any kind of weapon in the first place (you could beat someone pretty good with those bolt cutters).

I had a similar reaction when Travis and Co. drove past the abandoned ambulance without ransacking the thing. That would pretty much be a gift from the gods in such a scenario!

I thought he said "Molly" the first time, which was really funny.

I wonder what the Dark Army hopes to leverage out of Evil Corp in exchange for the backup. I mean… that's what's really going on in that post-credit scene, right?

That wasn't from Under the Skin, but I believe it was intentionally chosen/composed with that film in mind. Maybe Tyrell was off riding his motorcycle?

M83's "Gone" was also pretty sweet when Elliot was furiously trying to piece his identity back together.

The music was a bit over the top, but I enjoyed it. That said, I expected it to cut to a shot of Elliot following Joanna into the house while he slowly sinks into a black pool.