
It's a blatant rip-off of Giles Lamb's amazing theme track for Dead Island (link), and it was really amusing to me to hear such a tragic piece of music (in it's original use) re-purposed to be uplifting.

Same here, totally looked like non-union Emilia Clarke was straddling her brother's lap.

Only if they're black.

Just a few really random notes:

She's a Cylon.

He was like a modern American version of Mr. Bennett.

Yeah, that third act really shat all over what was otherwise a good movie.

Rachel McAdams doesn't coerce, you just say yes.

Can we also agree that Ellaria should have used a slower acting poison? Myrcella barely made it off the goddamn pier.

He now goes by the name of Gentleman Stoneheart.

He kind of looked like a derp muppet behind the helmet. I hope the makeup crew ups their game in this respect so that I can take him seriously.

After that exciting Disney caper-like combat sequence and the canned heat prison scene, they might as well introduce Dark Star (played by the goth guy from the I.T. Crowd) to drive the final nail in that subplot's coffin. Fuck it.

She at least had her knife ready.

Where's the Castor base supposed to be located? In Baghdad Ontario? That set makes no sense at all.

We've already seen him get burnt though in the battle against the wight in season 1.

Yes, but could it possibly know less?

The framing of the five of them immediately after had a "last supper" type feel to it as well.

I loved how it took Rick 3 hours to run half a block. That sequence wasn't jarring at all.

Black Ops don't exactly have the most carefully audited accounts.

The comparison to the devastation one feels watching Grave of the Fireflies is utterly puzzling to me. I was in a theater with close to a hundred other people (for a subtitled Japanese film in Alberta no less!) and not a tear was shed. That's not to say that you don't feel for the characters, or that I viewed the film