
The worst part was they had like 30 shots establishing that the core group was alone prior to the ones who magically appeared on the island. The three redshirts that came with them from the wall were all killed by the bear.

…and as a leader of men on the battlefield he Leroy Jenkins'd and had to be rescued by the surprise arrival of a 3rd army… *twice*.

In all fairness, the space battle in the first episode was poorly directed. There were always about 20 ships sitting around waiting for no apparent reason to produce the most passive full-fleet battle in SW history.

Seeing that first shot of Maul in his office casual shirt was the hardest this series has ever made me laugh. Someone along the production process must have decided that it was too absurd NOT to run with.

What I don't get is why hasn't Elliot hacked Joanna yet? That's literally the first thing he does with every stranger that strikes him as not being quite right.

The problem though is that if the Ray interlude was all real than Elliot would be hugely embroiled in a major investigation as an accomplice/witness/whistleblower.

He's probably doing his damnedest to delay the whole celibacy aspect of becoming a maester, and who could blame him?

We see Tommen climb into the window, but he hesitates… he hears a familiar sound behind him and turns slowly to see Ser Pounce approaching… "Ser Pounce? I don't think I can do it." Ser Pounce meows knowingly. "Wait, noooooo…." The cat tragically lives up to its name. Scene ends with Ser Pounce walking away, unharmed,

You just know that the next day in Mereen there was a meme going around titled "and fuck this one ship in particular".

His rowboat's become part of the Greyjoy armada.

A waif has not brought a man a new face for his creepy collection.

With Photoshop and the clone tool it's a pretty fast process. It's the same way Yara and Theon turned about 8 followers into sufficient numbers to crew a hundred ships.

Pilot White Walkers are still the best White Walkers.

It probably occurred to her in that moment that she could have just thrown the grenade. Speaking of which, why the fuck would Children of the Forest have explosives?

I enjoyed that the 10 people with them were somehow able to launch over 100 ships. You'd think with that many capable followers materializing from the ether that they could have just murdered everyone at the Kingsmoot.

What I don't get is why didn't they evacuate immediately? The whole "let's Inception Hodor" bit only became necessary because they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING with the several hours they had to save themselves.

In fairness though, Littlefinger did magically teleport several hundred miles ahead of the army that was escorting him.

I see that Frank's played some GTA in his time. All it takes is a quick re-spray and he goes from being public enemy #1 to sniping ninjas from a building edge in plain sight of half the NYPD without a single fuck being given.

My favourite part with the cop is where his (perpetually) nameless female partner was the one to actually arrest Frank but he was the one to get all the credit and the promotion that came with it.

Out of self-defense my brain changed her headline to "What is it to be a cliché?" and then zoned out for the montage sequence.