
I expected Montoya to walk into the room, which would leave open the question of whether they "did it" or she's just giving Barbara a place to crash while waiting for an appropriate moment to seduce her. I did not expect them to already be in bed together.

I love the face Kira makes behind Kai Winn's back when they come into that scene with Sisko.  You just know it was a rough walk from the docking ring.


I think Dax could be Leo (mostly the Curzon part of her). I don't see Dax as Donna.  Maybe Rom is Donna?

I think the one thing Dukat likes better than having Kira as a POW is having her have to suck it up and actually work FOR him.

The only other explanation I can come up with for her serving on the Defiant is that maybe they're grooming her for an eventual Starfleet command.  If Bajor joins the Federation, she would be the most likely Bajoran officer to transfer over at a rank close to commanding her own ship.

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus I imagine when Kira has the bridge of the Defiant on the late-night shift and most everyone else is in bed, she daydreams about ordering the ship into Cardassian space and seeing how many planets she can nuke before Sisko wakes up.  And then she sighs wistfully and

I always imagined that Odo was stuck in the jar for weeks or even months after the ship crashed, and when he finally got out, everybody was like, "Oh BTW Kira died."  Talk about heartwrenching.

@avclub-0c3e626d1a287cdc48c77515c8dcc243:disqus I feel like Kira "Yes, they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell!" Nerys would have smacked all of Voyager's Maquis silly.

On the other hand, present Odo now has the experience of kissing Kira, awkward/creepy kiss though it was.  Future Odo probably thinks he did himself a favor.

I always wonder if Kira and/or Odo ever told the others what happened, or if they let everybody else go on believing that it was Yedrin.  It seems like it would be hard to explain it without airing their personal business.  Although it would be kind of shitty for Kira to let Dax go on believing she was sort of

While I'm sure his generalization about Bajoran women came from comparing Kira with Ro, I always figured O'Brien had been on the station a little while longer than Sisko and had probably already had a few run-ins with Kira himself.  Or at least had been standing outside the office door enough to hear her screaming at

Lupaza and Ferel may have been in only one episode before that, but I think their close relationship with Kira was more implied.  Even if she didn't see them that often anymore, you could tell she basically grew up with them watching over her.

Yeah I hate that.  It seems out of character for her to make such a declaration and not really attempt to follow up on it.  And honestly, destiny or not, I think Sisko's a bad friend for running off to kill Dukat without her.  Although maybe he's noticed that she's been trying to kill him for like 20

Thank you, Zack, for pointing out that the Kira/Shakaar relationship is a little weird.  Their age difference as adults is no big deal, it's the fact that he held a position of authority over her when she was a little girl that creeps me out.

I also thought it was because she's the one who actually planted the bomb.  When he's explaining to her why he's been stalking all of them, he lists the specific tasks each of them had in the attack (one gathered intelligence, Lupaza and Furel were lookouts, etc.) and I got the impression that he saved her for last

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Memory Alpha has the age difference at 15 years.  Kira is a lot younger than Visitor.

@avclub-ff3315df974a82424353d399b7a68c07:disqus I think if Jake went for Ziyal he'd be getting The Talk from Garak and Kira.  Even Garak got The Talk from Kira, and HE was scared shitless.