
I can see what Kira would see in Miles, because he has the same stable/boring thing as her other boyfriends, but I don't see as much of what Miles would see in Kira (other than the fact that she's very attractive). Bareil and Shakaar seemed intrigued by her fire, I just don't think Miles wants that much drama in his

This is now canon for me.  I think I'm going to enjoy Season 5 a lot more during my next rewatch.

You mean, with a shuttle accident in which the Dax symbiont is temporarily transferred into Keiko O'Brien, who is surgically altered to look like a Klingon, and sent along on the mission?

The only benefit to the chunk of the series where Kira is pregnant is that they started using her in a realistic way — staying behind to run the station when the Defiant goes out, or staying up on the ship when the away team beams down.  Her arc gets really boring for a while there, but at least it temporarily  avoids

I'm not saying the Bajoran resistance was in the wrong, just that they're presented in a more sympathetic light than the Ferengi (which was @avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus 's point). Both cultures are trying to preserve their way of life — one by blowing shit up, one through aggressive capitalism. It's

I always think it's ironic that Quark is constantly getting ragged on for cheating and gambling, by a terrorist.

I found the sub-plot kind of interesting for as long as it lasted, but I think O'Brien is far too practical to put up with Kira long-term.  Sure she's hot, and most of the guys on the station probably want to find out if it's true that crazy = crazy in bed, but I don't see O'Brien being happy with someone who's so

Is Kira running charters into the GQ on the side?

Oh yeah, I just watched that scene.  Bashir says, "Come back for us in a week." It's like the old days before cell phones when your mom would drop you off at the mall and you'd agree in advance what time she'd pick you up. Sucks for them if they have any problems, I guess.

I assume Kira couldn't go home because she had to stay close to the planet in case the inhabitants turned on Bashir and Dax for not being able to cure them.  Like the nebula is only an hour away, and she can swoop by and beam them up if they got into trouble.

The Female Founder does a terrible Kira impression, though. She would never be sniveling like that over such a tame death as being swallowed by a living rock.

I agree Kira gets a little too calm for my taste in later seasons.  I do enjoy

Exactly. Sisko needs a confidant/mentor. Kira needs a female friend. Quark needs one of the senior officers to like him. Julian needs a girlfriend.  Dax is great for all that stuff, and Ezri for sure should have been relegated to that role.

I was going to say that Odo would refuse to press charges, but I think he'd kinda miss Quark, and having assassins operating on the station willy-nilly reflects poorly on his security.

See, that's why if I were Quark, I'd stick with Worf.  Sure he could rip my head off, but a disciplined Klingon warrior isn't going to kill a Ferengi over a coffee mug.

I love when Damar, Garak and Kira are going to be executed, and Damar starts to deliver his "You may kill us, but you will never destroy Cardassia" speech, and the Jem'Hadar guy is like, "No speeches, prepare to die!"

Indeed. Considering the only other two options would be seriously reducing what Kira could do for the next six months or so, or having Kira actually have her own child (with Shakaar? ugh!), this was an amazing idea.

The episode where the baby is born (at least that half of the plot) is basically a straight-up sitcom. If you look at it that way, it's actually pretty funny.  Even Keiko is good.

It's hard to believe this isn't actual dialogue from the show.

Kira is given a puppy, and just sobs for the rest of the episode, emerges a better person.