Now Zoidberg is King

Well, thanks to this comment I will be massively disappointed if anything less than this happens. A+

Or Grimey, as they like to be called.

It's storytime.

Yoouurrre a crook, Euron Greyjoy, just won't you throw the book at the pirate–

Worked great for Bridge of Spies, though.

Totally agree and have thought about this way more than one should. It looked like Indiana Jones and the Minority Report.

Apparently on one of his first dates with my mother, my father took her to see Roman Polanski's Repulsion. In another time my dad would've definitely read the AV Club.

Is this a serious question?

You really don't see any problem with a candidate for the most powerful and important office in the world colluding with a foreign power to undermine another candidate for that office, and the election process in general?

Whovian gonna downvote the shit out of maddiebjo

Where the beer gives you gas, and the Bundys kick ass.

The fuck did he do?

As well as the mother of a teenager! Oh, Hollywood, never change.

That teaser that ran before our showing of Logan bombed HARD.

I was expecting this too, to the point where when it didn't happen I was shocked. I thought they'd make it to the coordinates, there'd be nothing there, and they'd be the ones to end up creating "Eden" for what's left of their people. But it didn't happen that way.

Still though, it was great, and quite affecting. I

Came here just for this.

Somewhere Bo Bice weeps at what might have been.

Well, to be fair, when this happens with Rabin you're also likely to get many comments about "gay panic" and "pills in his jellybeans" – so there's certainly SOME pushback against the author in those cases.

Agreed. Even at the time it was such a slog. Such a strange dichotomy: I sunk hundreds of hours into it, mostly while grousing at just. how. slow. my. character. was.

Oh, to be spared the sassy antics of Honey Bee Bee.