
I had an old TNG comic that was Christmas-themed. It was from the early days (I think Tasha Yar was in it), and not very good.

And on Voyager, you had Chakotay who not only still practiced generic Native American religion, but it also apparently worked (healing spells that really healed, etc.).

In the TOS episode where they meet as being claiming to be the Greek god Apollo, there's a line where someone says that mankind has moved past the belief in gods, and Kirk adds, "We find the one is just fine" (or something like that).

The Buffy/Angel reviews were one of the draws for me, along with TNG and X-Files.

Well the daughters are the main characters, and Robespierre did grow up in NYC in the '90s (gratuitous name drop) — I know cuz we went to HS together!

"Digital audio tape my butt! In my day, we had CDs, I don't recall no one complaining!"

2 was good but anticlimactic. My ex called it "hours of sex with no orgasm."


I've been bingeing SOA lately. I just started season 6. Your post fills me with trepidation.

I bailed on True Blood after season 4 (and I barely made it through 4). I'm still on board for TWD, though I've stopped watching the spin off.

As a kid, I got them every Monday during the school year. They were awful! Pain plus nausea. Ugh!

No one can resist the Aurora Chair!

No, I'm not in Australia! Dunno what I said to give that impression. I live in NYC actually.

Yes, this show really deserves a higher profile than it currently has. People remember Firefly and BSG, but it feels like Farscape has been forgotten, despite being better than either of those shows (in my opinion, at least).

I liked her new, punky look!

The series ran from 1999-2003 on the Sci-Fi Channel. I believe the cable channel Pivot airs reruns now (it used to anyway. Anyone know if it still does?). The miniseries was in 2004.

Farscape was definitely organic. We saw aliens puke and piss and fart and shit. It was probably the least sterile sci-fi universe ever (with the possible exception of the Alien franchise).

I got into Farscape myself, and I got my ex-girlfriend into during our three year relationship. We got really into it, collecting DVDs, buying actions figures, etc. I still remember watching the back half of season four when we lived together (the cliffhanger at the end of "Bad Timing" was sooo frustrating!).

I know it would be impossible but I'd love to see an episode set on Hyneria, with everyone ducking under low doorways, and lots of Hynerians running around underfoot.

I liked Peacekeeper Wars for the most part. The stuff mentioned in the review, like Pilot's voice, didn't bother me. Yes, I'd prefer a full season, but overall, it worked for me.