
The puppets are what sold me on this show way back in season 1. I was flipping around and I landed on the Sci-Fi Channel, which was airing "Throne For a Loss." I saw Rygel talking with the tentacled alien in the next cell, and I immediately recognized them as the work of the Jim Henson Creature Shop. I love the

Agreed 100%! Scorpius certainly had valid points. He was, if nothing else, a much lesser evil than the Scarrans. I always hated when Crichton would try to say that the Peacekeepers and Scarrans were essentially the same level of threat.

I wanted to see Guardians 2 cuz I heard really good things, and I liked the first one well enough. Ah well…I catch it on HBO or something. I am glad to hear they acknowledge Farscape's influence by way of a Browder cameo.

Season 3 is my favorite season of Farscape, but season 4 contains my favorite episode of the series: "Unrealized Reality." It's such a brilliant, surreal mindfrell that also deepens the show's mythology.

Ah-ha! I knew the crew from Firefly was repurposed from the space smugglers that Joss W. created for Alien: Resurrection! I knew it!

How about the last couple episodes of My So-Called Life? They got to the end of the series and just stopped! And those last few eps were awesome!

I really like Peacekeeper Wars, though I have one big plot-related issue. Still, whatever flaws it may have, it was an ending, and I enjoyed watching it.

Dammit, I only have DVDs of Farscape seasons 1-3. I should get at least some of season 4. I'd love to hear some commentary for "Unrealized Reality." I adore that episode.

I actually prefer the Ben Browder/Claudia Black seasons of SG-1, and not just because of their presence. Don't get wrong, I loved having Browder and Black on my TV screen again—there's a moment in their first SG-1 episode together where Black is walking arm in arm with Browder, and I watched it with a big, silly grin

I have a smidge of positive feelings for the Stargate series for giving jobs to actors from so many other sci-fi shows (Farscape, Firefly, Andromeda, etc).

At the time when both were airing, I considered Andromeda to be a lesser version of Farscape. It had some common elements—a hero who was thrown into a new, confusing situation by a spacetime anomaly, a spaceship that was alive and a character on the show, etc— but Andromeda wasn't nearly as good as Farscape.

…and WWE reviews! Much better than TV Club Classic, right?

There's some good stuff in season 1 though. It's not as bad as, say, the debut season of TNG. True, the quality improves greatly toward the end of the season (especially with the addition of two new characters into the mix), but there's a lot of fun even before that.

Yes, thank you, Alasdair! You are one of the AV Club's best writers, and the Farscape reviews are the best this site had ever done. I'm so glad that the final season, and follow-up miniseries, are finally getting reviewed, truncated as those reviews may be.

Me too! Of the three network shows that tried to be the next Lost— Invasion on ABC and Surface on NBC being the other two— Threshold was the best, in my opinion.

Broats before hoats!

That's what they said about the coelacanth, until a fisherman caught one!

Corrosive? Mean spirited? I'm curious what you mean by that. Pawn Stars isn't top shelf television but I've never thought of it as corrosive…

I dunno…I was curious about Vikings, and when I found it was on Amazon Prime, I watched it all, and I kind of regret it. It's a pretty dumb show. Freakin' Odin shows up at one point! Da fuck?!

It's harder to kick, and more dangerous, as this incident demonstrates. I've had problems with both booze and heroin in the past (though the drinking never became physical dependence, lucky for me), and I do believe alcohol is worse, for many reasons.