
The first adult show you watched as a child? For me, that would be Moonlighting.

Good argument. We also would have accepted the "Makin' Copies" guy.

Tambor had a recurring role on Hill Street Blues as a lawyer who became a judge (I caught up on Hill Street Blues last year thanks to the Heroes&Icons network). At one point, his character was wearing women's clothes because his therapist told him to in order to get in touch with his feminine side.

The ads I see on broadcast TV are nuts! On Heroes & Icons, while I'm watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, or NYPD Blue, or whatever, I see ads for products aimed at Trump supporters: Trump commemorative coins, a Trump $2 bill ("genuine un-circulated currency"…uh OK?), or a Trump teddy bear for two payments of $19.99!

I had cable until 2004, when I could no longer afford it. I switched to rabbit ears and never looked back. At first, I just got the major networks, but then the digital switch happened, and before long, there were all these cool new "subchannels" like MeTV, AntennaTV, or Decades. I did have to buy a digital converter

Not really! I don't look forward to a world where super strong cyborgs are sent back in time to punch everybody in the nuts.

"Is this true?"
"Yes, it's true: this man has no balls."

Wait, you're saying those computers were possessed?! Call the Vatican! Get some holy water! Exorcise!!!!

We're balled.

Balls to the walls!


It can't be worse than Paris Hilton's.

I dunno, the post-apocalyptic hellscape in Road Warrior looked pretty sweet…

They used the Orb of Time, obviously.

Have you seen the Dukat/Trump Twitter account? Trump's tweets rephrased as Dukat tweets. He blasts Crooked Janeway, claims that Siskocare is imploding, and denies colluding with the Dominion. It's quite fun!

"Pulling taffy?" Just when I thought I'd heard every euphemism for masturbation, the internet shows me a new one!

Maybe this is before your time, but there used to be an AV Club commenter named Holodeck Jizz-Mopper.

The first contact with Vulcans in the Mirror Universe, as seen in Enterprise, was actually more believable.

I wonder how they handled splitting the Galaxy Quest costumes with that new Seth MacFarlane show. Like, STD gets them one week, MacFarlane gets them the next?

He also said "In a pig's eye!" That expression survived until the 23rd Century, but not any mention of God.