
Damn, I knew booze withdrawal could be fatal, but didn't realize benzos could be. Shit, I used to have a minor xanax habit. Glad I stopped before it got out of hand…

In some ways, physical dependence on alcohol is worse than dependence on heroin. Opioid withdrawal sucks but is seldom fatal, whereas alcohol withdrawal often is. (Of course it makes total sense that booze is the legal one…)

I wish they'd air the new Trek show, Star Trek Discovery, on H&I, instead of this CBS subscription BS.

It definitely varies from show to show. Some are quite nice. I loved the Farscape reviews. I wish they'd finally do the 4th and final season, but at this point, I'd be happy with any TV Club Classic reviews, but I guess AV Club has more important things to focus on, like WWE reviews…(and TMZ crap like this Black

Isn't Heroes&Icons awesome? First, they aired Hill Street Blues (9-11 pm) followed by NYPD Blue (11 pm-1 am) every night, which was pretty cool, then they started their AllStarTrek bloc, which was even cooler! Best channel ever (and no cable necessary!)!

Maher is no libertarian. Socialized medicine, lots of regulation, high taxes. Those are 3 things he's in favor of which disqualify him.

Haunted Mansion is awesome! The stretching room, the barbershop quartet headstones, the hitchhiking ghosts! It's wonderful.

I remember your posts about Parenthood, CineCraft! They were excellent.

I dunno, this season was a big step down, I thought. The awful love triangle, Major and Liv wanting to be together then suddenly they're both cool with Liv dating Major's friend, etc. Also, I respect the ambitious ending, but it didn't work for me. In a real (or quasi-real) world, the federal government would

I call bullshit on Major wanting to be re-zombified.

I call bullshit on Major wanting to be re-zombified.

There's always room!

The humans were likely killed off by the cars after the cars gained sentience, like Skynet in the Terminator films, or the machines in the Matrix trilogy.

And Car Pool Karaoke is Human Pool Karaoke, I guess? Not sure how that would work, of course… The cars don't drive around in people, after all (or do they? I've never seen any of these films).

"Switches it out with Muslims?" I'm pretty sure when Maher says "Muslims," he means Muslims. He's very antireligious, and often has anti-Muslim Arabs as guests whom he praises. He just thinks liberals give Islam a pass for some awful stuff that progressives are supposed to oppose.

Not sure that fact qualifies as "fun"….

The British punk band the Macc Lads have very dirty lyrics, and they once used the term "chuff" to refer to lady parts.

And you haven't killed yourself? You're a stronger man than I.

I saw Soundgarden live twice: the first time was in 1992 at the second Lollapalooza tour, and the second time was a year later when they opened for Neil Young. The Neil Young show was the more memorable one. It was at Jones Beach, an open air venue where you could see the beach and ocean behind the stage.

That Orson Scott! He's such a Card!