The Debt of James Joyce

Might I suggest Uma Thurman in Dangerous Liaisons.  Formidable.

That gal, Joyce Howser or some such?  Her breasts are indeed amazing.

Um, but since the CW was fought over, you know, slavery, that's kinda the big point of using the CW as a dividing line in time.

She couldn't wait to get that meaty part in her mouth.

You know…..jackin it.

Sorry, my hands are kinda busy right now.

What Girard said.  Doubly so.

I was a yankee teaching at Auburn during the heydey of George Bush the Younger.  A fellow liberal teacher friend of mine was protesting the impending conflict with Iraq around 2002-2003, whilst standing on Toomer's Corner.  A local enthusiast of football and war came up to him and argued for invasion with the

Hospital bar.  :)

I've read (or perhaps heard commentaries) that the genesis of the idea of Party Down came after Rob Thomas, Rudd, et al. were watching discussing The Office (UK). They tweaked it with the novelty of the workplace shifting to different scenarios each week, which was a good tweaking and kept it from being too

And why would Tim make the "pig impression" comment otherwise, if it weren't "oink"? People make their own variations of normal phrases all the time. Don't see why this is so hard to understand.

Spam and Trolls
Trolls and Spam. Their annoying presence on an otherwise cool chat forum is really starting to get distracting. AV Club needs to get on that shit somehow.

Mr. B. Natural for the win.

Yeah, I generally like TVDW's writings very much, but this whole tangent of analysis seems kinda off-base for me somehow. There's plenty to discuss otherwise. Maybe it works as a tangent but not as a central conceit of analyzing the show.


Laugh Out Loud Moment
For me from "Storming the Castle" was when GOB, talking to Michael at the Chuck-E-Cheese-type place, complains that Marta doesn't respect his career, just as a beach ball bounces off his head. The timing of that is so impeccable, and Arnett just delivers the obvliviousness/subtle humiliation of

I'll be that guy and say, "Ahem, The Wire."

Your whole argument falls apart, Joe, in assuming that the grades serve some additional function to enlighten a reader. If said reader can't figure out the writer's thoughts about the quality of the episode by, you know, actually reading the review, then who gives a shit what that reader thinks? If the reviewer is

Then there's this piece of craptastic writing:

Are We Not Admitting Yet…
That Bridesmaids sucked? It's just a series of thin jokes that get drug out well beyond the point of humor, with a schmaltzy (and godawful) Wilson Phillips cameo at the end. Garbage. And my girlfriend hated it more than I did.