The Debt of James Joyce

The "There is no God" line might be my favorite one-off character reading in the series. It's either that, or Buster's coma nurse in season 3 who cries dramatically, "Whoever said that vegetables were good for your heart!"

I'd say the British Office is pretty much an ongoing serial, rather than an episode by episode sitcom. Though, there are only 12 episodes and a special, so I'm not sure that counts.

Sorry, can't let the last comment be a douchey one.

Well, considering that the movie is pretty fantastic and about much more than being at "a bitchin' party", I'm guessing that it'll hold up.

You don't fuck with Bourne. You just don't do it. Unless you're Franke Potente I guess. But then you die.

It's a perfectly cromulent word, or something.


I can't believe we're comparing (bat)shit shows from this past year without visiting a little place the people call "Happy Town". Sure, it was shit as fuck, but I could watch it all the livelong day. That was a show that knew how to embrace its ridiculousness.

Dr. Hibbert's brother: (paraphrased) "You know, they say the city of brotherly love is Philadelphia, but in my opinion it's Detroit" … or something similar to that.

Wow, I never thought that there'd be a picture with three women in it, which included Natalie Portman, and that she'd be the last one I'd want to have sex with. Just didn't seem possible. But seeing the picture in the above link with Ms. Ryder, Ms. Portman, and Ms. Kunis, I have to say:

Tuesdays with Morrie 2

That's funny, CHOMPS. I mean, Muncie is a shithole. But Terre Haute is a SHITHOLE. Amiright!?

Is this the one with Madchen Amick nude? Because if so, that fucking rules.

The colors run deeper, too. The Heather who follows the herd and decides to kill herself was associated with yellow, the color of cowardice. The Heather who takes over the reins (Shannon something?) was, until she takes over, associated with the color green (envy). It's all in the croquet people!!

Did somebody say Guinness?

Praise TheLord!! I thought I was the only one who though SMG dragged Buffy down quite often. Could never get into that show b/c she seemed like such a lightweight.

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So I'll just assume nobody's offered up the most obvious example, Richard Linklater's "Waking Life".

I am a fan of Happy Town, and I will now go open up a movie memorabilia shop in Minnesota to protest the cancellation of said show.

Yeah, you've only stated this in some form four or five times now.

But What of Happy Town?
Please, somebody give me some intranets knowledge about the fate of my beloved characters from Haplin, MN. Like that hot chick with the question mark tattoo, and the dopey pizza guy who murdered the wrong man he thought was a serial killer but was just a creepy peeping tom, and Sam Neill.