The Debt of James Joyce

No Time for 996 comments
Having said that, I will now note, probably not for the first time on this week's conversation, that you people are nuts for the B+ action. This was a great episode. Best episode of the season thus far, I'd say.

Hah, "that facebook is a pathetic evolutionary step backwards for gaming" might be the nerdiest clause ever put to keyboard.

Coffee Shop Parallels?
So I'm guessing that Penny and Desmond having coffee will somehow parallel with Sawyer and Juliet going for coffee or whatever it was dying-Juliet said?

Here's How This Season/Show Will End
Sawyer will be forced to self-sacrifice to defeat Smokey, and he'll do it at the urging of/for Kate. Thus, the Sawyer Jack rivalry will end with Sawyer helping Jack, in a self-sacrificial way, to a) defeat Smokey, and b) end up with Kate. People may not like it, but that's the

Merging two comments above. I don't think that kid was talking about Sawyer, when he said, "You can't kill him. You know the rules." or whatever it was. I think he was referring to Jacob.

I would have thought that Eloise would be on Jacob's side. She kills her own son for the greater good and all that. She and Ben seemed to be in cahoots, as well, in L.A. And Ben at least thought he was fighting for Jacob.

But they're not mutually exclusive, Provolone. Both things ARE happening. That's the conceit of the "sideways" flashes, anyway, which is why I like this season so far. I was afraid they WERE going to make all that history obsolete, and thankfully they didn't. The two timeslines coexist.

And yet, here you are treefingers et. al., wasting your time commenting about it. Shouldn't you be off trying to find other things to buzzkill. I know, let's all make fun of "hipsters" for awhile and talk about how douchebaggy they all are.

Yeah, she didn't need to be time skipping, I guess. Can't remember if they knew what time they were in when the canoe incident happened.

Claire's Hut (Please, no vagina jokes)
I'm going by memory and nights of too little sleep here, and apologies if anyone else already covered this:

Don't know, Post Crunk. Locke's knives end up back in L.A. with him and Peg Bundy. So I don't see how they (and by extension Christian or Desmond) get transported.

I'm having trouble with using the term "sunk" to describe an island. Islands are built up from the ocean floor. It's not as if it's floating there like some innertube that can be punctured and sunk. It's not made of air.

Conversation b/w Jacob and UnLocke
Posted this earlier as a reply, but will repeat here to see if any new blood has comments on my idea (if anyone's still commenting, that is). Anyway, here goes:

I think that UnLocke is out to destroy humanity. Jacob was (and likely still is) the thing preventing him from doing so. Hence, UnLocke wants to kill Jacob as well.

Again, I don't think Jacob would have to ask, "What happened?" upon occupying Sayid's reanimated body. If revived Sayid ends up being Jacob, that was some piss poor writing when he uttered that line.

It's more than just a "rule", though; it's a outright incapability. To wit, Michael can't shoot himself because the island keeps jamming the gun.

The Charlie comment, "I was supposed to die", obviously echoes the whole thing about Desmond saving him over and over. So Jack may save Charlie once or twice more, meaning Jack is the new Desmond, maybe, for this two realities conundrum. He notices the funky spot on his neck, half-recognizes Desmond, and seems to be

Not to mention, Sayid's first comment upon rising is "What happened?" Jacob wouldn't need to ask that question. Now, if it's some half-Sayid/half-Jacob and the other is some half Locke/half-Esau, then maybe it'd make sense. But I'm not sure I'd buy that.

Major Schadenfreude
Or however you spell that word. Shameful joy, I'm feeling it. In petty recompense for all the insufferable Buffygasms I've had to endure both on here and from many of my friends.