The Debt of James Joyce

You know, jackin' it.

They drained a lot of cash out of the American people for the corporate class in this country, gaining oil and war contractor rights for the price of many many dead.

Most definitely.

Yeah, I'm not even close to a truther, but to assume that Bush was in control of that administration is mistaken, I think.  Cheney and Rumsfeld go way back, both with each other and with the gov't/military infrastructure.  Those roots run deep.  And so while you're correct that Bush was a perpetual screwup who

Shut your roofie hole.

I understand they need to branch out and keep new bits, but I find I like Colbert the most when he's doing classic stuff like The Word or TotH/WotF.  Hell, I wish they'd bring back the Tek Jansen cartoons.  Those were incredible.

Simmons is alright in my book, as long as I can ignore the insufferable Boston stuff.  But he's lost some of that since the move to LA.  Anyway, he melds sports and pop culture in a way that I like, even when I don't agree with his viewpoints.

Time to turn in your National card if you don't like Alligator.  That album is easily their best (and all the subsequent ones are still fantastic, mind you).

Am I the only one here who's ever been in a Champs?

Am I the only one here who's ever been in a Champs?

The end of the second one is close to the best ending of any movie ever, I'd say.

The end of the second one is close to the best ending of any movie ever, I'd say.

"Papa Don't Preacha" featuring the music of Madonna.

"Papa Don't Preacha" featuring the music of Madonna.

"After Midnight (We're Gonna Let It All Hang Down)"

"After Midnight (We're Gonna Let It All Hang Down)"

Yeah, I did some serious batin' to the thought of Jane Sibbett.

Yeah, I did some serious batin' to the thought of Jane Sibbett.

Late to the game, but "AAAAAHHHHH STAY AWAY FROM OPRAH!!"

Late to the game, but "AAAAAHHHHH STAY AWAY FROM OPRAH!!"