The Debt of James Joyce

You all want it to be one way……but it's the other way.

You all want it to be one way……but it's the other way.

So the consensus I'm getting here is that people are holding out hope that this will be good?  But my god, this seemed mother-flippin horrible to me.  Tonally, it couldn't decide if it was going for cutesy or serious.  It was, to approx-quote the review, "what network suits think of as quirky comedy".  The promos are

So the consensus I'm getting here is that people are holding out hope that this will be good?  But my god, this seemed mother-flippin horrible to me.  Tonally, it couldn't decide if it was going for cutesy or serious.  It was, to approx-quote the review, "what network suits think of as quirky comedy".  The promos are

Drake Tungsten

Drake Tungsten

Seconded.  Also…. Indeed.

Seconded.  Also…. Indeed.

Well, to be fair, it's just the start of the show.  It'd take another hour for her to finish the show, not counting all the wrapping up and whatever post-show stuff would need to go on.  I'd say ole Gordo's still saving a good 90 minutes of his night by getting her to exit the SN floor at the start of the show.

Well, to be fair, it's just the start of the show.  It'd take another hour for her to finish the show, not counting all the wrapping up and whatever post-show stuff would need to go on.  I'd say ole Gordo's still saving a good 90 minutes of his night by getting her to exit the SN floor at the start of the show.

No shit.  The "jury of your peers" line, then cut over to the jury, kills me every time.  Plus, this skit, like most great comedy, really makes an effective statement as well.  Same with the Vernon "keeping it real" skit.  McGee really crapped the bed on a few here.

No shit.  The "jury of your peers" line, then cut over to the jury, kills me every time.  Plus, this skit, like most great comedy, really makes an effective statement as well.  Same with the Vernon "keeping it real" skit.  McGee really crapped the bed on a few here.

Not to mention, if Gordon is threatened by Casey (which he should be), then he wants to a) befriend Casey to keep an eye on him, why antagonize your potential rival, or b) have Casey's date with Leesa be a success to get Casey more out of the Dana picture.

Not to mention, if Gordon is threatened by Casey (which he should be), then he wants to a) befriend Casey to keep an eye on him, why antagonize your potential rival, or b) have Casey's date with Leesa be a success to get Casey more out of the Dana picture.

Ugh, Batman.  Don't get me started about the pitfalls of ESPN.  I'm such a captive audience to it because I grew up with it during the Patrick/Olbermann years, before everything became bells and whistles, yelling and schitck.  Essentially, ever since Disney took over ESPN, it's become a repository of lowest common

Ugh, Batman.  Don't get me started about the pitfalls of ESPN.  I'm such a captive audience to it because I grew up with it during the Patrick/Olbermann years, before everything became bells and whistles, yelling and schitck.  Essentially, ever since Disney took over ESPN, it's become a repository of lowest common

Agreed.  She obviously has this vivacious body (a bit too much, imo, but that's me), but I'm more drawn to how "pretty" (quaint, I know) she is, rather than how sexy she is.

Wow, only the 67th reasonable discussion.  What is wrong with people?

Wow, only the 67th reasonable discussion.  What is wrong with people?

No, sir, you are not.  Indubitably.