
Maybe he just finished 'The Secret' and is practicing putting out positive vibes into the world. God speed, Riggins.

I want her to post more about her first time watching Gilmore Girls. Those tweets were hilarious.

I'm not very attached to a lot of the characters, but I really like that Wes and Laurel are quietly supportive of each other.

I don't know how to express how disappointed I am that Lawyer Paris Geller most definitely has a thing for Annalise's horrible husband. I suspected it before but was holding out hope that the lingering glances meant something else? You deserve so much more than this, Future Paris.

Mae Whitman is a national treasure.

I enjoy your fun fact, and want to add another aspect of her twitter: She recently started watching GIlmore GIrls for the first time and keeps tweeting about it along with "Lauren Graham please don't kill me!!!!!!" It's delightful.

He released audio at the end of season 2. Remember the sequence of Olivia in the white jogging outfit stepping outside to all the press questioning her about her possible sex tape with the president, and jogging to the limo waiting for her and saying "Dad?" He did all that just to get her on a plane in the first

Yes! Especially this episode because the "aren't we so in love music" kept starting when they were discussing the details of his daughter's sex tape.

Yes!!!!! I don't know what it is. I hated the unknown sister storyline so much when it concerned Lexie Grey, but having Meredith's sister be her mother's child? It's taking the storyline to another level for me.

Fitz really has a lot of nerve, telling Mellie that she has no right to mother after grieving for a few months. Does he realize that he fell apart and started drinking daily just as much as Mellie is doing because LIV LEFT HIM. Dude, her kid died.You fell apart because your girlfriend left. Get a grip.

The parallels between Sarah and Lorelai Gilmore are getting even stronger. Anna Nardini felt the same way about Lorelai being around April as Betsy Brandt feels about Sarah being around Ruby. And both times it makes no sense. Hopefully Hank handles this development a lot better than Luke.

I don't think Julia was being a jerk at all. No doubt this separation was both of their faults, but Julia didn't bail before they even attempted to fix what was wrong. Joel refused to communicate with her and expected her to be ready to talk whenever he was? I have a hard time seeing how she isn't justified in her

Mellie is the only part of this show that grabs my attention anymore, and I don't want that to be the case, I loved this show before. But it just feels like something's missing. However, if we get to see Mellie give these amazing speeches to Fitz every week, I'll be tuning in regardless.

I know people say that Amber cries too much, but man is it effective. All of her scenes become my favorites.

That was hilarious.

I was also surprised! Do they not have any teachers??? The conversation that Adam and Crosby had about one of them needing to stay at the Luncheonette for an appointment with Oliver Rome then immediately abandoning that idea just because Crosby felt like it made me think their business is around ninth on their list of

This episode made me upset that we aren't going to see Sydney as a full blown teenager, i.e. even more of a living nightmare.

The school storyline is the only part of the show that I'm not enjoying. In what world would anyone trust two of the most inexperienced people (in regards to teaching) on the planet with their kids all day? I feel like ever since the fourth season this show thinks Kristina needs to be in the forefront of the show, and

I would say Scandal. The first and second season are amazing television.

You're right. I was just thinking that I'm even excited for the Sarah/Hank storyline with Lorelai, I mean Sarah, helping him out with his troubled teenage daughter, and I'm usually not big on Sarah plots. This really is what Lauren Graham does best.