
Mae Whitman is just INCREDIBLE. I feel for Amber in ways I didn't know were possible for a tv character, and the amused/sad look she gave to Haddie after she asked for wine made me laugh and cry all at once.
Honestly, anything could have happened in this premiere and I would have loved it, I'm just happy that my

Deborah Ann Woll remains the most beautiful and talented person on this show. I hope she gets some good work after this is all over.

That one hand on Amber's back KILLED me. Just when I think I'm tired of Hank, they reel me back in.

I thought exactly the same thing while watching this episode!! Like seriously, Grumpy Hardworker who finds it difficult to show affection falls for Cute/Bubbly/Goofy single mom? It's like the same thing with a possibility of being on the spectrum thrown in.

I really enjoyed how nonchalant Abby was about David Rosen's life being in danger yet again. She was less 'OH NO!' and more come on david, again? Get it together already!


Abby continues to make me care about her more than I ever thought I would.

I'm just reading the comments and getting teary, I can't wait to watch this over again this summer. My favorite show of all time.

I like Amber! And I feel for Victor a lot, I would probably be down too if someone called me stupid every day and my new parents were getting divorced.
Otherwise, yeah.

The back to back scenes of Kristina and Adam storming out of a meeting, then Sarah just wandering off to take a phone call while her tenant was talking to her both had me cracking up, the AUDACITY. Further proof that it's the Bravermans world and we're just living in it.

Very true that most of this was information we should have already known, but this is the first episode in a while that felt like PARENTHOOD to me. I loved it, I'm still teary.

OH WAIT, I like Jake Ballard a lot too, which says a lot about the other characters, him being a cold blooded murderer and all.

After a few seasons, I started having a weird Pavlovian response to the Friday Night Lights theme, so my eyes started watering as soon as it started. Definitely one of my favorites.

I just started watching Mad Men, and for some reason the intro really creeps me out for about the first 8 seconds.

Me too, and her and Rory plunking down on Lorelai's old bed in Emily's house.

I think the only person I care about on this show anymore is Mellie. And by some weird turn of events,I care about David Rosen and No Skills Abby too.

The Gilmore Girls opening might be the most heartwarming thing ever.

I didn't think Amber and Drew had weird chemistry, but I keep thinking that this storyline is just an excuse to let real life BFFs work together, so I'm not paying too much attention to them. That said, I think Amber's concern for him is sweet.

All the seasons of Friday Night Lights are on Netflix!

I'll definitely be reading the Friday Night Lights coverage, as well as Gilmore Girls whenever you guys get to it.
This might be a stupid idea, but I would read a feature on the first 3 seasons of Weeds. You could even just do one review per season. Every one always says those are the most compelling, but TV Club