
I agree with you, I do love Mellie, and I'm most interested in her (along with Olivia) but for that reason I don't want her and Fitz to get back together, ever. She deserves better.

If it's wrong, I don't wanna be right Viv.

All I could think is "I wonder how many white people out there are wondering what a kitchen is right now." It was amazing.

Laurel and Wes continue to confide in each other and be friends & partners in crime and it warms my cold heart every time.

"You are my flesh and blood. There is nothing you could do that is unforgivable to me"

It's killing me that Laurel seems to have derived GREATER power from murdering Sam while everyone is (understandably) falling apart. She's the best.

Abby may be a hater, but she keeps it so real. I weirdly really like her now after upvoting every 'ABBY HAS NO SKILLS' comments for like a year. Keep on hating in the free world, Abby.

The most important thing about this episode is that Wes and Laurel are BEST FRIENDS and support each other and will rat on anyone else to one another. Amazing.

How stoked was everyone for one last Braverman dance party? Jabbar killed it on the dance floor.

You're the best. And I agree! I really wanted a scene with Haddie and Amber.

I screamed at the Jason Street cameo, she's living the life we all wish we had.

This episode confirmed for me that I love the Holt section of the Bravermans so so much. There's a light in Lauren Graham's eyes right? It feels like there's actual lightbulbs behind her pupils that light them up. This may sound nuts but I just finished watching this with my best friend and EMOTIONS ARE HIGH. I loved

I know everyone has already said it, but Lauren Graham was fucking stellar this week. It was even more satisfying because during a lot of the press she did this week, she talked about how even though she loved the show she found it incredibly frustrating to play someone like Sarah with little ambition and so many

This is my favorite thing on the internet and it ends next week! I think I'm almost as sad about this as I am about the end of Parenthood itself.

For anyone attempting to woo a character of Lauren Graham's in the future, it's been empirically proven that if you show concern for the well being of her daughter she'll propose/accept your proposal.

YES. I just want the adults to dance terribly and have shots of the embarrassed grandkids in the back. I'm not asking for much, Parenthood.

Golden Boy Joel is back with a vengeance.

While the show aired, one of the writers tweeted that there was no shot of the note Sarah wrote for Amber because in actuality, Lauren Graham wrote a real, sweet, funny note to Mae Whitman on that page. For some reason, that made me tear up more than anything during the actual episode. I am reeeeeally going to miss

The bitch baby speech might have been the worst speech in the history of Scandal, and maybe in the history of television. I loved everything else about this episode though.

One of the writers said on twitter that Lauren Graham improvised the "I'm really glad I knew you" line. Really nicely done.