
I was just hoping someone would say that.

Rellly? Millennials as the generation where "nothing happened?" War on Terror, 8 years of Bush, rise of the internet, first black president, freaking 9/11? We've got plenty of shit in our lives. Save that complaint  for Generation X.

Dude, I'm 21. I am young people.

Yeah, but you know what? I'm pretty damn hipstery. I wear black-rimmed glasses (sometimes) and plaid shirts and I listen to music off of tumblr and I watch Wes Anderson movies. And that's OK. If there's one thing that I truly dislike about my generation, it's that we're so quick to dismiss people who walk outside the

I think it's more of a fear of screwing kids up; kind of a "well, I'm kinda shitty, and my parents were decent, so what kind of monster might I make if I tried to raise a kid?" I dunno; I know that personally, I probably won't get married for another ten years, and I go back and forth on the kids thing all the time.

I agree with you, to a degree - I think there's a real sense of self-loathing in a lot of the more… I don't want to say artistic, but "hipster-ish" types of our generation (I assume you're early twenties). I tend to see a few main types of young people - you've got the self-absorbed, self-loathing hipsters, you've got

I think my biggest issue with him in this episode is that he never seemed to admit to himself that he was doing anything wrong. He starts by lashing out at Hannah, which he frankly has no right to be doing, and then, after showing a brief flash of maturity, just falls right back into the creepy closeness when he and

Well, that's literally the stupidest site I've ever seen.


The best moment on the show, period. Sums up the whole thing.

Dang, no Ms. Coach or Joyce Summers? Sadness.

Because rape's not something you trivialize.

And I really don't think Spider needs a continuation. He got back to the mountain. That's all he wanted. And Yelena carries on his legacy.

100 Bullets 101- 22 pages of decomposing corpses. Who was left alive by the end of that one?

Good Lord… I'd love those, but aren't they like $50 each? And weigh about ten pounds a pop?

Wait, who was this? Was he one of the new gods, or someone else? I've got no memory.

Venture Brothers has a lot of good ones.

In the end, I suppose, he had to change or die…

I've always taken it as Dream is more powerful than the gods, but not more powerful (or on an equal level) with capital-G God. Look how scared he was to go down and face Lucifer to free Nada, for example. Or SPOILERS the way he gives up the key to Hell to representatives of God.

Speaking from the future, this is surprisingly accurate.