
I liked it quite a bit, but I was really surprised that (SPOILERS, I guess) the series is essentially over here. It built to such a good climax that the next issue can't help but feel like a letdown. Still, Jackie and Simon's deaths were surprisingly affecting, and ending things with Rufus finally realizing his

Alright, this is probably a stupid question and definitely gonna get stuck at the end of the comments, but here goes:

From the same album: Swaghili.

That Sherman Anti-Trust bit was some of the worst writing I've sen on this or any show. Somebody needs to sit Brian K. Vaughn down and tell him that just because a thing exists, doesn't mean it actually makes sense as something a person would reference.

This is the best thing I've seen all week. Why can't the real DCU be like that?

You forgot Longhair Asian and the Trig Kid.

While it wasn't a bit of dialogue, that ricochet at the end had me rolling from the sheer improbability.

So this weekend, I’ve been watching - for the first time - a
show you folks may have heard of a time or two… The Simpsons.

My best costume ever was when I was eight years old and insisted on going as "a shadow." My mom did her best, but i ended up in skintight black clothing and a balaclava - everyone was completely confused. I had to hang a sign around my neck to identify myself so i could get candy.

I got a The West Wing notification for this?!?


@avclub-230e46d19fe78a6c8dc715659a7188d7:disqus Yeah, you're right, I was unfairly generalizing. My apologies.

@avclub-738d7deb467d69ea5d6c8aacb9613245:disqus @avclub-e6c1142acfaceea3982a09641b33fc04:disqus Yeah, between AD, Community, and 30 rock, I can usually manage to scrape by. And weirdly, despite having never seen an episode, I've read all of Nathan's Simpson Classic reviews, so I have a decent idea of the first five

Hey, maybe I'm wrong; speaking as one of those kids that grew up in suburbia (Atlanta area suburbs), that was pretty much the exact feeling I got from watching stuff like HIMYM and Scrubs (I guess? Not as good an example). I'm sure not everyone did, but for a certain type of person, the idea is pretty appealing.

Way late on this, but HITMAN 34 is the best Superman comic ever made.

Lots of things! Just not when these shows were airing. Live-action TV (And the Simpsons) were forbidden growing up. Cartoons only.

Yeah, genuine concern - Even if they do, there's a good chance it'll be one of those stupid Facebook-linked ones, because we share everything now.

*Insert your choice of Simpsons quote here, because that's what you people do*

I don't think they're saying these characters are realistic - more that to those kids from out in suburbia and the Midwest, the Friends were an idealized version of the life that people could have in New York. Same way HIMYM and BBT and all the MTV shows work today.

Never seen it, never cared to. Came off as particularly pointless and uninspired, although it's possible that I'm not giving it enough credit.