Yeah, that made me laugh. Although, did they change the name? I thought it was "Chum's Rusty Bucket," which sounds even grosser.
Yeah, that made me laugh. Although, did they change the name? I thought it was "Chum's Rusty Bucket," which sounds even grosser.
Was she? I thought Annie only got out two glasses. We've seen that Shirley can be around alcohol, and even drink it; "Just did my first keg stand!" I don't think she's an alcoholic, I think she just doesn't like bars.
His face as he kept going up was fantastic.
I saw it coming and still loved it.
Refresh my memory - was he in the Dexys outfit when he was playing with model trains?
Jeff to Britta, in the grief counselor bit.
And yet, those smart elements were mainly seeing through Jeff and being unwilling to take his shit - which are character elements that have held up throughout the run.
Good moments:
"A hundred people will have died in China by the time I finish this sentence."
"Edison out!"
"I'm gonna take everything except olives and onions!"
The whole last scene at the apartment, but especially the moment between Troy and Britta. "You're not the worst - you're the best" set my little shipping heart…
Anyone else think Evil Abed was going to be at the door?
It took me a second to recognize the melody, and then I laughed and laughed.
Your Majesty.
Eh, even the obvious two-parters still managed to make solid episodes of each part. I think the problem here is that there was no satisfying story to the episode (as opposed to the Subway stuff in Digital Exploration or the Black Rider in Fistful) and so it feels less satisfying as a whole. I bet it goes down well in…
Yeah, Southern Baptists can put on a damn spread. Shame they're hateful bigots a lot of the time, I'd like to eat at a Chik-Fil-A again.
Doctor's Wife.
I've got a weird affection for that bis speech at the end of Satan Pit, thought I haven't watched it in ages and might hate it now. I just love the idea of the most Jesus-y of the Doctors going up against Satan.
1. Pandorica/Big Bang
2. Eleventh Hour
3. Blink
4. Girl in the Fireplace
5. A Christmas Carol
6. Empty Child/Doctor Dances
8. A Good Man Goes To War
10. Wedding of River Song
11. Let's Kill Hitler
12.Impossible Astronaut
13. Doctor, Witch and Wardrobe
14. Beast Below
Fuck, what was that in? I have a vague memory, but I can't remember what was happening. Was that the Baskerville episode?
Yeah, but nobody likes Rose. I'd imagine most people are putting her up against Donna, who was pretty awesome and didn't give a shit about boning the Doctor.
Oh god thank you, I thought I was the only one. Love Smith and Rory, and I like River a lot more than most fans, but Amy Pond leaves me cold a lot of the time. Loved her intro, loved the end of five, but other than that, she just seems like "fill-in-the-girl" more often than not.
That "BECAUSE I'M CLEVER!" bit sticks in my head more than just about anything from Ten's run. It's that, end of "The Satan Pit," and the death scene.