
Smith. Tennant had to turn everything into a big production, and even the fun felt self-conscious by the end. Smith just seems… light and joyful and plays slow-burn anger really well.

I gave up last year, after the first season 7 episode.The whole "Cas as God" stuff could have been really interesting and kinda bold TV, and instead, he turned into another boring evil demon. That was it for me.

That's actually a little cleverer, because it references Annie trying to run away from Greendale as well as the main plot. Basic Rocket Science just gives a nit of cognitive dissonance.

No. Absolutely not. That cannot be allowed.

@avclub-858a7d21421b7492a5c8a80b02b65822:disqus Honestly, I think up to season 5 it's a really fun genre show, but the storytelling pivots they take after that just seem sad. So, y'know, stop at the end of this season.

Holy shit, Supernatural's been on for eight years. Put it out of its misery already.

Every. Goddamn. Time.

1. Toy Story 3
2. Wall-E
3. The Incredibles
4. Ratatouille
5.Toy Story 2
6. Monsters Inc.
7. Finding Nemo
8. Toy Story
9. Up
10. A Bug's Life
11. Cars

Wait, really? I still haven't watched because I hated Cars and the trailers made it look like everything wrong with the first one was amplified. You're saying it was OK?

@avclub-6562c5c1f33db6e05a082a88cddab5ea:disqus I tend to be about 75-25 in my attraction to guys and girls - I find more women attractive than men, and that's who I tend to date/hook up with, but I find some dudes attractive too, and I'd hook up with them if they were into it. On the whole, though, I find a lot of

@avclub-1b9a80606d74d3da6db2f1274557e644:disqus Well, as far as the song goes, I think it's that the horns and the keyboard don't really fit together at all, the synth-y stuff feels very wrong, and the lyrics are really pretty rough. And while I can hear that Decemberists-esque voice, I don't think it works nearly as

@avclub-1b9a80606d74d3da6db2f1274557e644:disqus Alright, just went through the comments on that article you linked. Yeah, some of those dudes are going over the top, but that's kinda the attitude around these parts. Everyone here's looking to play "open mic night" a lot of the time, and while I get that you like the

@avclub-1b9a80606d74d3da6db2f1274557e644:disqus Dude, you really are a little too invested in your persona. Look, I love the Hold Steady, too. I love the Mountain Goats and Titus Andronicus and Lucero and The Gaslight Anthem (ok they sometimes come off as too slick to me). And yeah, sometimes the "seen-it-all" types

Honestly, I mean, it's extraordinarily difficult to tell what people are gonna find attractive. As far as guys go, there's probably a certain range of body types and facial features (i.e. not too fat, not overly odd face) but beyond that, people are going to like what they like. Me, I'm a bi-ish dude who likes skinny,

@avclub-1b9a80606d74d3da6db2f1274557e644:disqus Speaking as somebody who likes skinny, pale indie dudes, that man is one of the least attractive people I've ever seen. He looks like a half-melted Scream mask.

You should probably learn what attractive is. The man looks like a scarecrow stuffed with marshmallows.

Wow this was so much better than last week. Still don't love masturbating neighbor, but June was so much more fun this week and I liked getting to see a little bit of Chloe's facade fall down. And JVDB continues to be the breakout star.

Man, Wildcats 3.0 was really, really good up until that stupid Coda war closer. Or really, any of the violent stuff.

@avclub-ffc905126015cdc6758873970fb59828:disqus I'm gonna be honest, I had to look up what the hell that meant.

@avclub-130f14e3e5c0263f013b56d8c212f26a:disqus Nobody knows.
Honestly, I think that context matters here. If somebody hooked up at a party with someone, they probably just made out with them or something. If someone simply "hooked up" with no further explanation, they probably had sex. Otherwise, it's "fooling around"