
I think Cracker's the closest we come, but as a white guy that just sounds archaic to me. Honestly, I think these days it's just "white," like Noel's saying.

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus Aww, I liked Dollhouse! Not up with Buffy/Angel for me, and I still think that penultimate episode was monumentally mishandled, but end of the first season/most of the second was some very good work with a lot to be mined. Plus, Enver Gjokaj and Fran Kranz.

I think it's the time; we're living in a society that's starting to have real problems with the upper class (good) and women's right to be people (WTF). And this is a show that can be brought up in both of those discussions. But since those are much more nebulous/ offensive complaints, people see the lack of diversity

Yeah, there was really nothing good about that.

I think that if nothing else, registration has caused a lot more people to develop friendships of a sort here. Look at the Community boards; I don't know that that culture would have developed so strongly if random trolls could just drive-by whenever they felt like it.

See, but what if we don't have Facebook? I just plain don't like Facebook and its weird policies, doesn't mean I never want to comment anywhere.

Yay for Whedon! Even though I have occasional problems with his brand of feminism, he's absolutely the reason that I started reading up on the subject in the first place.

@avclub-454a7bfd685393329597fdb7a92b7969:disqus I think that the stereotype was that all Asians are smart and dedicated to work? Or something? I dunno, there's maybe a case to be made there, but it feels like stretching. And the doctor was just a doctor who happened to be Indian; she could have been from literally any

@avclub-1881baeccb7399f3452cd7f37cdb2b29:disqus Yeah, I've been lurking here since Dollhouse was on the air (got linked over in my Whedonesque days) and after spilling my mind out all over the Community review the other night, I've been feeling more comfortable about commenting here. And most people here are nice,

See, at least as I see it, Dunham is aware that the world she's depicting is unrealistic, and is satirizing that world and the privilege that these girls are accustomed to in their lives.

Did you read that article on Badass Digest about Tyler Perry? It didn't turn me around on him, but it made me think a little more carefully rather than kneejerk dismissal.

Wow, you're kinda terrible, aren'tcha?

And all poor people are black. And welfare queens! Because white people just need a little help to get back on their feet, but black people are lazy bastards skimming off the system.

I would watch that on a loop, forever.

There was Asian Girl at the office (who I thought was fine) and Homeless Black Guy at the end of the first episode (who was…problematic, to say the least)

No offense, man, but I think you're kinda seeing this through bias. I'm a white guy, and my circle of friends has white, black, Asian, couple Middle Eastern dudes… no Latinos, though. That's odd. Still, I'd honestly argue that we're becoming less and less segregated as time goes on.


Hell, George Lucas made an all-black action film this year (Red Tails was all black, yeah? I didn't see it.)

Yeah, I've noticed you popping up a lot more on the boards with some really good criticisms and observations. Though I wasn't sure you were a woman until just now. So, uh, good on you?

I'd say because she still had a bit of a thing for Russel and saw Jess as an in. Or she was just trying to get along with Jess because she knew that she'd still have to  interact with Jess if Jess and Russell stayed together. Either way.