giant spider invasion

All good things must come to a sad bastard end.

Untouchables 2: LA Boogaloo!

It's very possible that I'm just way too damn invested, but I can't accept the ease with which all Bolin, Korra, and Mako reconcile so fast, at least for Bolin. I can't think that he's not still walking around muttering "bitches ain't shit but ho's and tricks" under his breath.

What is a ship!?! A miserable little pile of secrets!

And Dennis Wilson will be resurrected via hologram to perform live onstage!

I've always figured as much. IMDB needs to stop relating him with the project in the yearly archives.

That little string tag that accompanied the Henrietta reveal right at the end was subtle and gorgeous. Who's cooking up the orchestral stuff these days? Is Giacchino still involved? Or is it mostly Chris Tilton?

The digested corpse of Elian Gonzalez approves of this post.

Damn - that thing was over before my nasal cavities got all stung up. What the hell Japan!? Nobody's allowed to move me in under 30 seconds!

Tons of comparisons and relations of this guy's music to the greats who came before him as well as popular contemporaries, but surprisingly, no recognition of the fact that this dude's music sounds like shit. WEIRD.

Dammit Cohaagen! You got what you wanted! Now give deez peepul da trailah!


Well I'll be - you learn something Sondheim related every day.

I apologize for being totally clueless - but Noel - what did you mean by the Sweeney Todd reference there in the Stray obs. section?

I definitely read those last few sentences in a Farnsworth voice.

This music is fucking cool. Suck it review consortium!

They shit on Denver and basically every good record store we got. Fuck em.

Got the same vibe. Hope our Amber Walter still has the specs he got from Dr. Jacobi.

Appreciated the physics of the episode playing by the "White Tulip" rules - that if two points in time-space plan on stickin', its gonna wipe the shit out of the foliage. Damn good episode of Fringe.

If only abduction were involved. Unfortunately, Grossman serves his rape victims up like a fucking tee ball stand.